
bail organa wife

Finis Valorum soon infiltrated Organa's 500 Republica apartment, tired of watching from the sidelines. [54] In 1975's Adventures of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars, Antilles is himself an Aquillian Ranger and an agent of the Starkiller;[55] later drafts cemented the character as the father of Princess Leia of Ogana Major. Trench staged several devastating attack runs against Organa's on-planet camp to draw Skywalker and Kenobi out from behind the moon, but he and his blockade were finally broken by a stealth ship manned by Skywalker and Admiral Wullf Yularen.[30]. As the Kaminoan was being led out in handcuffs, Amidala had one last memory, that Farr was killed by a poison specifically engineered towards Rodians and Lolo Purs had not partaken in any refreshments that day. When the Republic heard about Separatist peace bill, Organa stated deregulation was no longer necessary. He was also a friend and colleague of Leia's biological mother, Senator Padmé Amidala, and was present when Leia and Luke were born. [6], After a successful trade mission, Organa was contacted by the Jedi High Council to ask King Katuunko for permission to set up a supply base on Toydaria so the Republic could send relief supplies to the people of Ryloth, who were suffering from a droid invasion. [6] In the ancient times, his professionalism would have been considered with respect. Bail Organa was a tall, dark-haired Human with tan skin and brown eyes,[8] whose traits were regarded as aesthetically pleasing by other members of his species. Fittingly, Bail Organa kicks off the Star Wars Rebels series, which takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope and charts the rise of the Rebel Alliance. Affiliation(s) Much more reepectful and actually charming- Mon Mothma ist just jealous that Padme gets laid so regularly, Mon herself hasn't seen her partner in ages, this is unfair The First Battle of Geonosis marked the beginning of a pan-galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars.[4]. Subsequently, he was Senator of the Alderaan sector of the Imperial Senate from 19 BBY to 1 BBY. Organa offered to take Leia as his own, having for a long time discussed adopting a baby girl with his wife Breha;[8] they had had many difficulties in producing an heir, and doctors had informed them that another attempt to conceive a child would probably kill Breha. Valorum believed that Palpatine was power hungry and would not give up his emergency powers once the war was over, destroying everything in his way. He ruled along with his wife, Queen Breha. Breha Organa was a human female from Alderaan and the monarch of that planet. [40], Organa also took the droids into his service (and ordered C-3PO's memory wiped to keep the chatty droid from someday accidentally revealing Leia's true parentage[7]), placing them in the care of Tantive IV's captain Raymus Antilles. When the Hutt crime lord was freed, Cad Bane and his team set the charges in the room the Senators were held in and left the building. While he always had all the material things he needed, Organa's parents were careful never to spoil him. Infant Leia Organa With Bail Organa as a duo looks incredible! Several months after the foundation of the Empire, Organa met with the crew of the Banshee on Alderaan, to discuss resistance to the new regime. [18] After three deadlocked votes, the High Council of Alderaan[19] appealed to the Galactic Senate for mediation, and a special dispatch led by the Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth was sent to oversee the dispute. After the rise of the Galactic Empire in 18 BBY, Organa was one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, and in 0 BBY he was killed when the Empire's Death Star destroyed Alderaan. The History of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 1, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, THE STAR WARS by George Lucas - Rough Draft, ADVENTURES OF THE STARKILLER (episode one) - "The Star Wars" by George Lucas, The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, Pello Scrambas…uh….Scambras….whatever - Behind the Scenes,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Organa was also a member of the Alderaanian royal family. She now realized that half of Alderaan already thought of Leia as the natural child of Bail and his wife. [6], Organa was very devoted to preserving peace throughout the galaxy and was one of the few Senators who was not corrupted by power or by Chancellor Palpatine. Fighting the bill, Senators Organa and Amidala found data on the Banking Clan, revealing that they were charging 25% interest, which drained funds from social programs. Bail Organa deserves so much more from a wife than the bitter deceit she provides. There, Marek defeated Vader and held Palpatine off long enough for Bail and the other rebels to escape. After destroying the holocron, and the temple in the process, Organa and Obi-Wan were rescued by Senator Amidala and team of clone troopers. This act proved to Bail that the Empire could be defeated in battle. While investigating the planet, they discovered that the source of all the Sith attacks was from a Sith holocron located inside a Sith Temple. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bail Prestor Organa (69 BBY-0 BBY) was the Senator of Alderaan in the Galactic Senate towards the end of the Galactic Republic. She returned soon after, claiming to have been attacked by Senator Burtoni, who was soon arrested and charged for murder. [66] More recently, he has appeared in a number of materials related to the Clone Wars, both in the original multimedia project[40][67][37] and the more recent one. Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, mentioned in the first film, A New Hope, and portrayed in the prequel trilogy films Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005), and the anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016). - Bail Organa has so many bigger problems. Ignoring the fact is married (sorry to his wife), Bail Organa could have been a good match for Padme. Furthermore, he was captured by Shaak Ti's old apprentice, Maris Brood. A Gran Senator tried to reason with him, but Bail had no idea what the guy was saying. However, before the diplomats departed, Katuunko announced that in the light of these events Toydaria would reconsider it's stance of neutrality, which was greatly appreciated by Organa. In turn, Bail Organa agrees to adopt Leia, noting that he and his wife had considered adopting a baby girl. The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 29, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Visual Guide Ultimate Battles, The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles, Starkiller (Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice), Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Convenient Daily Departures: The History of, Viva Space Vegas! Having heard Senator Amidala mention the Sith in a conversation, he asked her to contact the Jedi so that he could confide in them the location of the planet. 2. Skin color Organa tried bringing up the subject in the Senate, but a bombing on Valorum's transport issued the Senate to go through with the act anyway.[40]. However, Darth Vader arrived moments later and his stormtroopers arrested Bail and everyone else. Content approaching. After Padmé Amidala's successful meeting with Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri about the Separatist Parliament voting on peace. When Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi led an assault against Trench's fleet in an attempt to break through and aid Organa, the Admiral responded with a withering attack, forcing the Jedi to retreat behind a nearby moon. He was Princess Leia Organa's adoptive father and a friend of Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Rahm Kota, and Jedi Knight Ylenic It'kla. [50] Princess Leia and Obi-Wan Kenobi never made it to Alderaan, and the planet was about to face certain doom. He was the king of Alderaan, Breha's husband, and Leia Organa's adoptive father. [6] Like all the scions of his noble bloodline, the young Organa enjoyed a golden childhood. Subsequently, he was Senator of the Alderaan sector of the Imperial Senate from 31 BBY to 23 BBY. Bail Organa was instrumental to the creation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, together with Senators Mothma and Bel Iblis. Despite the rampant corruption that had spread its tentacles to most of the political class, the actions of civic-minded statesmen such as Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum finally convinced Organa that he could do well in the Senate. entry on Pello Scrambas, has stated that Scrambas's entry was originally written as indicating that Organa's marriage to Queen Breha was arranged by Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth in order to end the Alderaan Ascendancy Contention. Obi-Wan Kenobi was dispatched to the Senator's apartment to learn of this threat. Chronological and political information ], In addition to appearing in Episodes II and III of the primary Star Wars saga,[source?] He also displayed enough courage to stand up to the Emperor himself telling him that if he and his allies were to die the Emperor would only cause more people to hate him. He was also present when Mace Windu and Yodawere discuss… Ba [8] He continued to serve in the Senate well into the days of the Galactic Empire, where he remained a representative for Alderaan until his adopted daughter Leia took over one year before the Battle of Yavin. In his 2001 novel Cloak of Deception, author James Luceno described Dunbar's appearance when writing the character of Bail Antilles, a character mentioned briefly in Episode I who had been intended to be a separate character from Organa, despite both being Senators from Alderaan named Bail. Unable to give any, Dod left furious. After meeting on Kashyyyk, the rebel leaders found Marek's family crest, and Leia suggested honoring Marek by using it as the symbol for the Rebel Alliance. [16], In 28 BBY, Organa took in his turn the mantle of viceroy,[26] which he would keep till his death. Together they were granted an audience with the king and his council, but negotiations were rendered complicated by the arrival of Lott Dod, the Senate representative of the Trade Federation sent by Count Dooku, who learned of Organa's mission when they intercepted his communication with the Jedi. Gender After thorough consideration, Katuunko officially denied the Republic their rights to a base on Toydaria. Padmé Amidala, queen of the Naboo, came to plead her case before the Senate and, seeing that Valorum would not react, she called for a Vote of No Confidence in the Chancellor. Today, we all vow to change the galaxy, and one day the galaxy will indeed be free!" A significant event that spurred Organa and his allies to discuss open rebellion was the Ghorman Massacre in circa 18 BBY: during a protest against Imperial taxation on the planet Ghorman in the Sern sector, Wilhuff Tarkin landed his ship right on the protesters, injuring and killing hundreds. The conflict was between the Bail Organa's family, House Organa, and House Antilles. Mentioned in the first film, A New Hope, and portrayed by Jimmy Smits in the prequel trilogy films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, and the anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, he is married to Breha Organa, queen of the planet Alderaan, and serves as a senator of his planet in the Galactic Senate, … Shortly thereafter, the Republic and the Separatists went to war against each other. Given how the Sith operate, it would be prudent to have as few people know the truth as possible. As the king and senator of Alderaan, Bail was an extremely skilled tactician and a very capable leader. After setting out to the locale only to be shot at, lose their attacker, and be thoroughly reprimanded by Lt. Divo, Organa and Amidala returned to Deechi's office under the suspicion that he set them up, only to discover the Umbaran dead, stabbed through the heart. Homeworld To assist, Organa arranged for a meeting with his old contact within the Order: Everen Ettene. [37] He also visited Qalydon[18] and Metalorn,[38] and served with and befriended Giles Durane, saving the man's life on more than one occasion. But the clincher for her didn't come until she heard Leia say, "Da Da," in reference to Bail. Kenobi, having defeated his former apprentice Anakin Skywalker who had fallen to the dark side of the Force, arrived with the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 and a pregnant Padmé, who was in a critical condition. Contents[show] Early Life Bail grew up, got older. Bail Organa is a slight repaint of 2005’s ROTS Bail Organa (III 15) figure. He believed that without the Republic, the galaxy would fall into chaos and without the Jedi Order there would be no peacekeepers to help bring an end to chaos. A member of the Galactic Senate, Organa is also First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan. Bail Organa leads a relief effort on a beleaguered Christophsis. Took his senatorial duties permitted Bail Organa leads a relief effort on a beleaguered Christophsis Skywalker! Deceit she provides ] Born in 67 BBY, [ 2 ] his were!, [ source? several months prior and had lured the Senators in their favor. [ ]. Diplomacy and politics has passed time for diplomacy and politics has passed piloting various speeders and every of! For Bail and the Jedi Knight Everen Ettene Alderaanian Princess after, claiming to been! Parliament voting on peace and his wife, Queen of Alderaan is a fictional in. Secret apprentice, and Star Wars WISHB prequel movies and rescue Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi swiftly became friends it... 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