
climate change research articles

emergence of a new research agenda on transformative pathways beyond, climate change. in the negotiations are between G20 members. Giddens (2011) adopts a similar position, arguing that leadership must come, existing institutions for climate change governance by creating and facilitating. Climate change research is not only a highly multidisciplinary undertaking but also a research area with many countries being active and cooperating with each other. This Editorial introduces a Collection of articles in which the authors explore the challenges and pitfalls of communicating the science of climate change in an atmosphere where evidence doesn't matter. The companies and governments that own these fossil, fuel reserves act as if they will be able to burn them all, and are valued on the, market as such. Over time, the enhanced greenhouse effect results in “global warming” -, an increase in the Earth’s average temperature. Oct 10, 2020 Our prior research has found that Americans can be categorized into six distinct groups—Global Warming’s Six Americas—based on their beliefs and attitudes about climate change. response, which he calls the “Giddens Paradox”, is that the lack of tangible, immediate danger from climate change means that most will do nothing to, act due to the lag between the emission of greenhouse gases and their full. Because of the…, Between December 2009 and January 2010, we conducted a nationally representative telephone survey of US…, Contemporary science and environmental news coverage of global warming increasingly portrays scientific consensus. Global climate change is influencing the weather in every region of the United States, often…. Do People “Personally Experience” Global Warming, and If So How, and Does It Matter? The Genesis of Climate Change Activism: From Key Beliefs to Political Advocacy, Climate Scientists Need to Set the Record Straight: There is a Scientific Consensus that Human-Caused Climate Change is Happening, Human Health (Chapter 9) – Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, Climate Change Education through TV Weathercasts: Results of a Field Experiment, Fracking Controversy and Communication: Using National Survey Data to Understand Public Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing, If They Like You They Learn From You: How a Brief Weathercaster-Delivered Climate Education Segment is Moderated by Viewer Evaluations of the Weathercaster, Attitude Change in Competitive Framing Environments? As a result of natural climate change, the Earth has, experienced regular cold periods (or ice ages) in the past, when glaciers covered, periods when sea levels were much higher than they are now, stable climate that has lasted since the end of the last ice age about 11,700 years, ago. McKibben positioned the fossil fuel industry as the enemy of. Reducing meat. Climate change, the periodic modification of Earth’s climate caused by atmospheric changes and the atmosphere’s interactions with geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. They cover a variety of ways in which the global population and the environment are adversely affected by climate change. This is called the “greenhouse effect”, because the principle is similar to a greenhouse, where the glass roof allows. Thousands of scientists from around the world voluntarily contribute their time, to the development of the IPCC reports as authors or reviewers. In this framing, the “luxury emissions” of the, wealthy are very different to the “survival emissions” of the poor and power. As our global climate changes and variability increases, we are witnessing multiple influences on human health. The impact of climate change on other air … Third, there is an ongoing debate about equity and, burden sharing. Mitigation means replacing fossil, fuels with renewable or low-emission alternatives, protecting and planting, forests, and shifting agricultural practices. The processes involved are complex, but can be summarised as follows. Divisions might, be based on the orientation towards climate science. ontributing to policy and development issues in Bhutan. Climate Matters: Helping TV weathercasters and journalists report local climate change stories, The 4D Project: Countering Misinformation, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, An eye tracking approach to understanding misinformation and correction strategies on social media: The mediating role of attention and credibility to reduce HPV vaccine misperceptions, Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence, Fossil fuels are harming our brains: Identifying key messages about the health effects of air pollution from fossil fuels, Understanding and countering misinformation about climate change, Turning Climate Misinformation into an Educational Opportunity: Chapter 2, Increasing Public Awareness and Facilitating Behavior Change: Two Guiding Heuristics, How to Inoculate the Public Against Misinformation About Climate Change, TV Meteorologists as Local Climate Change Educators, The Importance of Assessing and Communicating Scientific Consensus, Developing effective communication materials on the health effects of climate change for vulnerable groups: a mixed methods study, Risky business: Engaging the public on sea level rise and inundation, When Should Environmental Awareness Be a Policy Goal? It is in the best interests of, all countries to develop an effective response to climate change. It has, published five such Assessment Reports to date: in 1990; 1995; 2001; 2007 and, 2013-14. Observed and anticipated changes in, the climate include higher temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, changes in. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Joxe's book is an important effort to peer behind the smoke screens of humanitarian wars and global wars on terrorism. Second, not all of the political parties that, make up national governments accept the scientific consensus on climate, change or its implications. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Evidence From Two National Surveys, The Effectiveness of Mass Communication to Change Public Behavior, The Polls-Trends: Twenty Years of Public Opinion about Global Warming, Communication and Marketing as Tools to Cultivate the Public’s Health: A Proposed “People and Places” Framework, Climate & Resilience Communication for the Mid-Atlantic, NPS Climate Change Communication Internship Program. In the engagement between the social sciences and climate change, climate change is often used as a lens through which to explore classic social, theoretical problems (Shove, 2010). 233–253. While a social practice perspective challenges the simple, behavioural approaches to climate change response that dominate policy-, making, it opens up new inquiries into the dynamics of social practices and their, Transition studies is a second area where climate change prompts conceptual, technologies, practices, markets, institutions, infrastructure, cultures and values, including innovation studies, socio-technical transition theories such as the, multi-level perspective, strategic niche management, and science and, While transition theories are diverse, there are several common concepts. vulnerability; and mitigation of climate change. Climate change refugia, areas buffered from climate change relative to their surroundings, are of increasing interest as natural resource managers seek to prioritize climate adaptation actions. Developing and sharing strategies for overcoming these obstacles is the most important next step to move cohousing from fringe applications to the mainstream. doi: 10.1177/0263276410361498. Our understanding of climate change draws on abstract scientific, models, projections and probabilities that are difficult to connect to our, everyday lives. Transformation also features heavily in the, research program of the Future Earth initiative, a major global sustainability, Movements; Environmental Problems; Global W. Scientific Knowledge, Sociology of; Social Dilemmas; Social Movements; Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Green, S. A., Richardson, M.. anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature’, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and V. Cambridge, UK and Malden, USA: Polity Press. More recently, in the last 10 years, climate change researchers have developed a scenario framework that combines different possible futures for climate and society. Other prominent work of this type identifies diverse social groupings and, discourses, and their differing orientations to climate change. This has opened up a new movement focus on divestment of fossil fuel, investments. Several decades of scientific warnings and social movement action, have not led to reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions. risks of climate change are negligible or even positive. Some countries, most notably the. Its objective is to stabilise, greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents, dangerous human interference with the climate system. Thus, there is little incentive for, Numerous responses to the slow progress of the international climate, change negotiations have been proposed. The chapters offer new insights into the strategies and impacts of NGOs in, Climate change is a complex, interactive system consisting of the atmosphere, land surface, snow and ice, oceans and other bodies of water and living things. Five-thousand years of human history remind us that there is nothing so uncertain as the claim that "man is a social animal." Everyday social practices like eating, working, moving about, and, heating and cooling our homes result in emissions of greenhouse gases that, contribute to climate change. These, countries are being asked to make emission reduction commitments even, though their historical responsibility for the problem and emissions per person, are generally lower than developed countries. Transformation literally means a marked change in form and, the term is used to draw attention to the scale and breadth of the changes needed, to successfully respond to climate change. Activities in Australia involve training sessions in research methodologies and developing action research projects for implementation in Bhutan across themes such as Gender, Climate & Energy, Governance or Development Economics. Changing, social practices in response to climate change is beyond the ability of any single, individual. A, accepts the view that humans are causing climate change but argues that the. Eventually Joxe places his remaining hope on citizens of the world coming... Building Bhutanese research sector capacity, solving development issues through transdisciplinary methodologies (Asia), Transforming Narratives for Sustainable Futures, The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory Edited by Bill DeMars and Dennis Dijkzeul, Climate Change and Health: Global, Regional and Country Perspectives, The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work, Lungs in a Warming World Climate Change and Respiratory Health, In book: Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. It is understood that students will study in-depth these select theories but in the process of their study will master the broader philosophical, epistemological, and research-based methods that undergird all practice theories. These changes, The Canadian Journal of Sociology 30.2 (2005) 231-234 Climate change is a topic of vital interest to academia and to society at large. transitions, and transformative pathways. events such as ice sheet loss (Field et al., 2014). Climate change also offers a lens through which to critique current forms, of capitalism and their commitment to endless economic growth. gases” into the atmosphere. Development Economics, Office of the Senior V. Shove, E. (2010) ‘Social Theory and Climate Change: Questions Often. NOAA released its list of climate and weather disasters that cost the nation more than $1 billion each. governance of climate change, in which diverse actors all have a role to play. 277–288. For sociologists, the emergence of these different, positions is of interest and raises questions about the interface between science, relevant and policy-neutral, not policy-prescriptive. The research has either done at a point (station) or . View Climate Change Research Papers on for free. Further, the causes and impacts of climate change, are unevenly distributed, raising questions of social justice. In 1992, the Rio Earth Summit, adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (UNFCCC). progress. Eyes on the Earth Track Earth's vital signs from space and fly along with NASA's Earth-observing satellites in an interactive 3D visualization. This collection of 22 articles includes pioneering research from experts across the politics and policies of climate change. These are not new findings but they. Iran's climate change curriculum. This could involve shifting to, crops that thrive in the modified climate conditions, or building coastal defences, to protect against sea level rise. Many scientists argue that the impacts of climate change will be devastating for natural and human systems, and that climate change poses an existential threat to human civilization. consumption is possible but is a significant change to current eating practices. Previous, large-scale environmental problems, like acid rain and ozone depletion, could, be addressed without widespread change in the structure of human society. Each report typically comprises four volumes. The grant fulfils the World Bank’s commitment at the 2019 United Nations Climate Summit to increase its support to the CGIAR, a global partnership that unites international organizations engaged in research about food security, to help advance agricultural research efforts for the benefit of rural households that rely on agriculture as a major livelihood source, and to increase food security. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses seeks to create an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of evidence of climate change, its causes, its ecosystemic impacts, and its human impacts. why a threat of such magnitude is routinely ignored by our societies. The aim of the climate change scenario framework has been to facilitate integrated research and consistent assessment for informing policy. Y, chosen not to take action on climate change that is proportional to the degree of, threat presented by the IPCC. The challenge is that costs are, incurred in moving from the current techno-economic system to low- or zero-, The scientific consensus presented in the IPCC reports is not, a view on climate change endorse the consensus that humans are causing global, warming (Cook et al., 2013), a very small number of scientists and a much, larger number of non-scientists disagree with this consensus. Climate change affects the key determinants of Health – air, food and water. The journal also explores technological, policy, strategic, and social responses to climate change. The, first major intergovernmental conference on climate change took place in, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2005. Contribution of W, Assessment Report of the Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Publishing Ltd, 84(4), pp. doi: 10.1177/0263276409361497. Climate change is causing, and will increasingly cause, a wide range of adverse health effects,…. Around the world, activists are now pressuring diverse, organisations to cease any investment in the fossil fuel industry. Many scientists argue that the impacts of climate change will be, devastating for natural and human systems and that climate change poses an. The IPCC reviews and assesses scientific, technical, and socio-economic information produced worldwide that is relevant, to the understanding of climate change. Paris: OECD Publishing and UNESCO Publishing. This Fellowship supports the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in its mission to develop the Institute for Gross National Happiness Studies (iGNHaS) as a leading forum for evidence-based research, c, This current project – Kick-starting Cohousing – builds upon previous cohousing research undertaken by the Institute for Sustainable Futures. Special Issue Section I: National Indicators of Climate Changes, Impacts, and Vulnerability (11 articles), Guest Editors: Anthony C. Janetos and Melissa A. Kenney & Special Issue Section II: The Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (9 articles), Guest Editors: Jeffrey Dukes, Melissa Widhalm, Daniel Vimont, and Linda Prokopy . At the time of. relations shape the existing political impasse on climate change. This book should be read by any student or scholar of international relations. Y, change from these perspectives has led to broader recognition that climate, change is a social problem, in which issues of social justice, the social, construction of knowledge, the influence of social norms, and the everyday. Reading his book I have little difficulty accepting the first part of his case, that America is attempting to manage an empire of disorder. Some argue that social scientists have been late to engage with climate change, given its serious social implications (e.g. First, the UNFCCC processes require consensus to make decisions. This study uses evidence from empirical data from Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia and from studies that range across the issues of peacebuilding, ethnic reconciliation, and labor rights to show IR theory has often prejudged and misread the agency of NGOs. Assessing the Conditions Under Which Raising Awareness Increases Environmental Sustainability and Societal Resilience, Documenting the Human Health Impacts of Climate Change in Tropical and Subtropical Regions, The Role of Collective Efficacy in Climate Change Adaptation in India, Vulnerable Populations Perceive Their Health as at Risk from Climate Change, Highlighting Consensus Among Medical Scientists Increases Public Support For Vaccines: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment, Improving Public Engagement with Climate Change: Five “Best Practice” Insights from Psychological Science, Local Climate Experts: The Influence of Local TV Weather Information on Climate Change Perceptions, Do Americans Understand Global Warming is Harmful to Health? There is overwhelming evidence that climate change is taking place faster than ever before with larger impacts and bigger risks than anticipated. How to Communicate the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change: Plain Facts, Pie Charts or Metaphors? Niches have relative, freedom to rapidly experiment, whereas the regime and landscape are, increasingly structured and slow moving. Mona Safarty, MD MPH, and Edward Maibach, MPH PhD, in Climate Change and Public Health. and-teaching/ourresearch/institute-sustainable- futures/our-research/social-change-4) identified significant potential for cohousing to address the housing challenges of older people by improving affordability, wellbeing, social connection and sustainability. Ultimately Joxe wants to preserve humanity from decades or centuries of wars and conflict. Climate change is any long-term alteration in average weather patterns, either globally or regionally. The lone hope in Joxe's assessment is a united Europe which he sees coming together at a key moment to offer an alternative strategy to that of America. The report finds that the largest contributor to observed, warming is the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and that it is, “extremely likely” that human influence has been the dominant cause of this, projected future changes, pose risks to human and natural systems that could be, catastrophic if unchecked. Effective communication is…, Missing data are a ubiquitous problem in quantitative communication research, yet the missing data handling…, According to Broad International Agreement, a global warming increase beyond 2°C is unacceptable. However, action to respond to climate change has been slow. Increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, and especially CO2, in the earth's atmosphere have already warmed the planet substantially, causing more severe and prolonged heat waves, temperature variability, air pollution, forest fires, droughts, and floods, all of which put respiratory health at risk. “Climate change” is a, change in either the average climate or climate variability that persists over an, energy output of the sun, volcanic activity, climate. Climate change is also of interest to sociologists because the activities, that are responsible for anthropogenic climate change are embedded in human, social life. The target will be, reviewed in 2015 to determine whether a lower target of 1.5 degrees Celsius is, appropriate. Areas such as social practice theory frames practices, instead of individual agents or, monitoring ;,. 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