
lives of the eminent philosophers wikisource

It was due to excess of joy coupled with the weakness of a man stricken in years. When the people of Cyme sent the murderer to Pittacus, he, on learning the story, set him at liberty and declared that "It is better to pardon now than to repent later." Periander, the son of Cypselus, was born at Corinth, of the family of the Heraclidae. This line brings us to Clitomachus. [Epicurus regards as natural and necessary desires which bring relief from pain, as e.g. Let them likewise provide for the maintenance of Metrodorus's daughter,[32] so long as she is well-ordered and obedient to Hermarchus; and, when she comes of age, give her in marriage to a husband selected by Hermarchus from among the members of the School; and out of the revenues accruing to me let Amynomachus and Timocrates in consultation with Hermarchus give to them as much as they think proper for their maintenance year by year. 75. And let them provide for the rest according to my arrangements; that everything may be carried out, so far as it lies in their power. Aided by the brothers of Alcaeus he overthrew Melanchrus, tyrant of Lesbos; and in the war between Mitylene and Athens for the territory of Achileis he himself had the chief command on the one side, and Phrynon, who had won an Olympic victory in the pancratium, commanded the Athenians. 1. 47. He was the first to determine the sun's course from solstice to solstice, and according to some the first to declare the size of the sun to be one seven hundred and twentieth part of the solar circle, and the size of the moon to be the same fraction of the lunar circle. 546 e, who cites the concluding words more fully thus: καὶτὰς διὰ μορφῆς κατ' ὄψιν ἡδείας κινήσεις‧ also vii. The one school was called Ionian, because Thales, a Milesian and therefore an Ionian, instructed Anaximander; the other school was called Italian from Pythagoras, who worked for the most part in Italy. And thus, it is said, the plague was stayed. Division of philosophy is probably meant. 7. and Solon replied, "Tellus of Athens, and Cleobis and Biton," and went on in words too familiar to be quoted here. ", "I am sure that I shall suffer no harm at your hands; for before you became tyrant I was your friend, and now I have no quarrel with you beyond that of every Athenian who disapproves of tyranny. For he sees that necessity destroys responsibility and that chance or fortune is inconstant; whereas our own actions are free, and it is to them that praise and blame naturally attach. Librivox: The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book VI - … The following riddle of Cleobulus is preserved in Pamphila's collection:[68], 91. He said that those tyrants who intend to be safe should make loyalty their bodyguard, not arms. He was made ephor in the 55th Olympiad; Pamphila, however, says the 56th. . "], "The atoms are in continual motion through all eternity. But that colour varies with the arrangement of the atoms he states in his "Twelve Rudiments"; further, that they are not of any and every size; at any rate no atom has ever been seen by our sense.]. "Shun ill-gotten gains," he says. For example: The object standing yonder is a horse or a cow. 51. Who for wiseheartedness surpasseth thee. And after that he destroyed the democracy. of his great work. "And further, let the regularity of their orbits be explained in the same way as certain ordinary incidents within our own experience; the divine nature must not on any account be adduced to explain this, but must be kept free from the task and in perfect bliss. 137. Lucr. Myson of Chen in Oeta; this is he But Demetrius reports a story that he received from the Nymphs food of a special sort and kept it in a cow's hoof; that he took small doses of this food, which was entirely absorbed into his system, and he was never seen to eat. All these were distinguished, and with them Polystratus, the successor of Hermarchus; he was succeeded by Dionysius, and he by Basilides. "We must also reflect that of desires some are natural, others are groundless; and that of the natural some are necessary as well as natural, and some natural only. Some say that he traced his descent back to Heracles, that he was distinguished for strength and beauty, and was acquainted with Egyptian philosophy. 599-627, ii. Periander lost heart and died at the age of eighty. They do not include under the term the pleasure which is a state of rest, but only that which consists in motion. And when well advanced in years he sent for his son to be his successor in the tyranny; but the Corcyraeans put him to death before he could set sail. iii. "We must also consider that it is by the entrance of something coming from external objects that we see their shapes and think of them. 57. An epigram of my own is also contained in the collection of Epigrams in Various Metres mentioned above, where I have discoursed of all the illustrious dead in all metres and rhythms, in epigrams and lyrics. Usener's insertion of "bodies and space" comes from 86; cf. Headlands of Locris and Euboean cliffs.[136]. They also set up statues and temples to these sacred animals because they do not know the true form of the deity. New in Paperback. He died of joy; may such a death be mine. But do not on my account sever yourself from your country. 1 Heraclitus; 2 Xenophanes; 3 Parmenides; 4 Melissus; 5 Zeno of Elea; 6 Leucippus; 7 …. Those who have made some advance in the survey of the entire system ought to fix in their minds under the principal headings an elementary outline of the whole treatment of the subject. Nor are they living beings which have been separated from the infinite.] But these people are stark mad. 24. For in his heart there is a deceitful thought. "It is just the time to repair it," was the reply. This message Neocles' wise son heard from the Muses or from the sacred tripod at Delphi.[21]. By pleasure we mean the absence of pain in the body and of trouble in the soul. 2. For it had not this power in itself; but something else, congenital with the body, supplied it to body: which other thing, through the potentiality actualized in it by means of motion, at once acquired for itself a quality of sentience, and, in virtue of the neighbourhood and interconnexion between them, imparted it (as I said) to the body also. And every objection brought against this part of the theory will easily be met by anyone who attends to plain facts, as I show in my work On Nature. They say that matter was the first principle, next the four elements were derived from matter, and thus living things of every species were produced. To the question what was the strangest thing he had ever seen, his answer was, "An aged tyrant." The best course would be to resign power, and so be quit of the reproach. 52. [61] For the existence of bodies is everywhere attested by sense itself, and it is upon sensation that reason must rely when it attempts to infer the unknown from the known. He was flourishing about the 42nd Olympiad. Do not aim at impossibilities. also Cic. Which is the better? It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and well and justly, and it is impossible to live wisely and well and justly without living pleasantly. 136. 524-614, ii. And he will take a suit into court. 25. 109. And the mind can grasp the absolute truth of this. If we may believe the Egyptians, Hephaestus was the son of the Nile, and with him philosophy began, priests and prophets being its chief exponents. He was a man of few words; hence Aristagoras of Miletus calls this style of speaking Chilonean. iv. He will found a school, but not in such a manner as to draw the crowd after him; and will give readings in public, but only by request. [He says below that atoms have no quality at all except shape, size, and weight. He died at the age of 78 (or, according to Sosicrates, of 90 years); for he died in the 58th Olympiad, being contemporary with Croesus, whom he undertook to take across the Halys without building a bridge, by diverting the river. 42. He alleges too that in his thirty-seven books On Nature Epicurus uses much repetition and writes largely in sheer opposition to others, especially to Nausiphanes, and here are his own words: "Nay, let them go hang: for, when labouring with an idea, he too had the sophist's off-hand boast-fulness like many another servile soul"; 8. besides, he himself in his letters says of Nausiphanes: "This so maddened him that he abused me and called me pedagogue." And all present joined in the funeral procession. In a suit in which a friend of his was concerned he himself pronounced sentence according to the law, but he persuaded his colleague who was his friend to acquit the accused, in order at once to maintain the law and yet not to lose his friend. "We must recognize that this analogy also holds of the minimum in the atom; 59. it is only in minuteness that it differs from that which is observed by sense, but it follows the same analogy. 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