
code geass britannia map

Alec acquired himself the nickname 'Nine Parts' because of one of his best-remembered sayings; that rulership was one part ideology and nine parts economic policy. This was made easier by the fact that so many of the gentry who made up the bulk of the officer corps were the spare sons of nobles, denied titles or lands by strict primogeniture. It is not necessary for the Emperor or Empress to put a Bill before the Senate, but doing so is considered a courtesy. The task of governance had also changed beyond recognition, for Britannia's domain now stretched from Arctic to Antarctic, consisting of two entire continents with a population in the hundreds of millions. Among the company was a noted actor named John Wilkes Booth, who acted as the inside man for a team of assassins, bent on avenging the south with the blood of the 'Great Emancipator'. Perhaps the most tragic figure of those times was Benjamin Franklin. Churchill won him over with the reassurance that the alliance was to be nothing more than a marriage of convenience. Their loyalty was, at least in part, motivated by fear of their continental enemies; most notably the French and the Native tribes, against whom Britannian troops were needed to protect them. Even with the benefit of hindsight, it remains unclear what Charles or his government hoped to gain from it, though conspiracy theorists have oft claimed there was indeed an ulterior reason behind its execution, with several claiming the war to be tied to a set of ancient ruins located within the Cambodian wilderness. The committee's bullying tactics outraged both the public and the army, to the point where one of the committee's members was assaulted and beaten almost to death by a group of army officers. But if he expected the civility due to a crowned sovereign, he was to be tragically if briefly disappointed. Its name was stricken from the rolls, and the dead were listed in dispatches as having been executed for treasonous insubordination, condemning their families to bear the shame. The 'Great Depression' was as global as the boom that preceded it. When James died in 1761, he was the sovereign ruler of a truly global empire. The illiteracy of the Britons means that the only alternative accounts are those written by Romans, often decades or even centuries later. The latter was particularly significant, made possible by rapid developments in Information Technology, though something similar had already existed in the EU for several years. Within the Imperial Court, recriminations began almost immediately. Her legacy lay in the widespread reconstruction she oversaw, and the machinery of absolute monarchy that would long outlive her. With victory almost in sight, Theseus chose to ignore both Britannian and Soviet pleas to open a new front by invading the British isles or mainland Europe, and concentrate all efforts on breaking the Brazilian Empire once and for all. Much more, Abraham himself declaring the war would not end until "the last traitor is dead and buried deep". The imperials at first bore it with becoming dignity, but when several of the women began throwing rocks at the couple, the protesters were themselves attacked by the crowds, with many being killed before police could reach them. Nobles climbed over one-another to offer treasure and sword-arm to the cause, while the Commoners flocked to donate what little money they had, or to swell Britannia's armies. Shocked by this, the Imperial Navy was forced to deploy its own newest warship, the HMS Monitor. Its urban life grew ever more sophisticated, enriched by a blending of primarly European high cultures. Under the House of Wessex, Britannia would go on to reclaim the whole of Britain. Elizabeth used the funds provided by this new system to rebuild Britannia, and to reorganise her existing forces into a new Imperial Army and Navy. Over time this blending would spread to encompass the country as a whole. Its target was Richmond, Virginia's foremost city and the seat of the Confederate government, along with the vital Tredegar Ironworks and the naval base at Hampton Roads to the south-east. Some lashed out at the government with campaigns of civili disobedience or sabotage, while others took out their frustration on those they saw as the beneficiaries of their misery; the newly-freed slaves. Pendragon is Britannia's political and administrative hub, as well as being the Capital in the symbolic sense, making control of it vital to the control of Britannia as a whole. The first of these would be the airship. Founded as the Imperial Flying Corps, it consisted of a few squadrons of biplanes. In the east, Imperial forces laid an ambitious plan to land George McClellan's Army of the Potomac on the Virginia peninsula, allowing it to bypass the Confederate defenses and attack Richmond. Both are organized in the same fashion. He had spent a great deal of money paying Montrose's army for their trouble, though he had won their and their general's loyalty in the process, and although his truce with the Irish Confederates had held, they still demurred from pledging their full support. Following that era, descending Emperors would take care to continually reorganize the Guard with their most loyal followers. Even in the north there was little sense of triumph, as the true scale of the bloodshed became apparent. Richard's advisors largely agreed that involvement in future wars was inevitable, but they disagreed on how best to go about it. These territories are in turn divided along feudal lines, providing Britannia with a truly vast peerage. Just as success is rewarded, failure is ruthlessly punished, and not even the Imperial family is entirely safe. It was against this entrenched resistance that Elizabeth struggled, both as regent and later as Empress, when her father finally succumbed in November of 1799. Playing a critical role in the development of these plans was Theseus' Chancellor, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Richard effectively dismantled much of the secret security apparatus created by his aunt, regarding such repression as an expensive waste of time. In so doing they made an enemy of the OJAG, which contributed to their subsequent isolation and discreditment. While such a person has the same rights, duties, and privileges of a full citizen, in practice they tend to suffer discrimination in certain contexts, especially the armed forces. Nativists were, needless to say, even more hateful and suspicious of Numbers, though their reasons were in some cases understandable. Denmark had been a single kingdom for nearly half a century, formally united in 965 by Svein's father, Harald Bluetooth. The only alternative was Princess Louisa li Britannia and her common-born husband, Abraham Lincoln. Others called for a naval strategy, using warships and amphibious forces to protect and capture colonies. The fact that Elizabeth showed no indication of marrying throughout her reign may have given him the confidence to wait it out. Outraged colonists responded by forming a Continental Congress in September of 1774, to form a united front against Britannian tyranny. Supported by two newly-arrived regiments of mechanised infantry and two of paratroopers, the 124th stormed first the Imperial Palace and then Saint Darwin Boulevard. Major naval operations would not be on the cards for some time. land-based warships. Richard possessed many of his father's virtues, but combined them with a smooth, elegant confidence that Edward had imitated only by dint of great effort. Whereas the Euro-Britannians favoured limiting or even abandoning capitalism, the Purists had embraced it as an economic necessity. The histories disagree over who precisely was responsible, but the affair seems to have been a joint effort by Romans and Britannians alike. It was this that drew the attention of Emperor Victor, who invited Edison to contribute to a project of his own; the construction of a hydroelectric power station near Niagra Falls. Their presence also led to friction with the colonial population, with whom they had little in common besides allegience to Elizabeth. research and intelligence. It is at this point that the man later known as Alwyn enters the pages of history. With their naval power all but broken, their sea trade cut off, and little prospect of victory in the long term, the allies came to terms in 1918. The Battle of Chancellorsville nevertheless cost Lee one of his most trusted subordinates, Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson, along with tens of thousands of casualties. While several frigates were sunk, and many of the ironclads damaged, no ironclads were sunk or captured, and the Confederate fleet was able to escape south to fight another day. Another problem was the arrival of so many nobles from Europe, many of whom had little but the clothes on their backs. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Buoyed by their unlikely victory, the Edinburgh Revolutionaries quickly sent word around the country, hoping to establish a revolutionary government as quickly as possible, and calling for the death of nobles and remaining members of the Imperial Family. On far greater scale was the reforestation and irrigation of the Great Plains, a project described by one contemporary as 'like nothing seen since the days of Rome'. Further complicating the matter was the European Union, with which Japan had a difficult relationship, despite their common enmity with Britannia. In turn, Britannia effectively strips Japan and its citizens of all rights and freedoms and renames the country Area 11 with its citizens referred to as Elevens. Taking his cue from the economist John Maynard Keynes, he also instituted a series of infrastructure projects across the empire, with a view to providing employment while upgrading the economy. Brazil would use many hundreds of its own version, the Tigre, many of them constructed in underground factories to avoid the attentions of the Britannian air force. Britannia's aristocrats lived in a splendour not seen since before the French Revolution, while a rising middle class of merchants and professionals enriched Britannia as they enriched themselves. Under James, the Militia became both a military reserve and an internal security force, organised at the county level and commanded by the Lord Lieutenant of each county; though in practice they were either controlled or at least influenced by the local gentry, who provided the officers. Imperial infantry were armed primarily with the new Springfield rifle, a breech-loading bolt-action rifle developed from examples of Johann von Dreyse's Zündnadelgewehr; acquired from Europe in the 1850s. It began with the death of Prasutagus, King of the Iceni and client of Cogidumnus. They specialize in amphibious, arctic, and littoral warfare, also providing armed complements for warships and security for Naval bases. In Britannia he is nevertheless regarded as the first of a line of Romano-British Kings and Queens (and later Emperors and Empresses), thusly dubbed the Alwynids. Perhaps taking a cue from the long-fallen Rome, they started calling themselves Emperors. For all that, the Confederate fleet was free to roam the high seas, attacking Imperial shipping while shielding its own from Imperial interference. Equally important was Elizabeth's marriage to Charles le Bretan, a Catholic noble and devotee of her half-sister Mary. It was in this conflict that a certain John Churchill, later Duke of Marlborough, made a name for himself. Their situation would continue under Britannian rule, with Mexican peons working under the same conditions, on the same haciendas, in many cases for the same landlords as before. Described by the Romans as priests and judges both, little else is known about them with any certainty. Furthermore, Army doctrine is additionally supplemented by the "land dreadnought", i.e. The armor of the ironclads proved too much for their own weapons, with many captains resorting to firing shrapnel over the enemy decks on the hope of killing the crews. Washington found himself on the back foot, and it was only through some skilful maneouvring, along with his famous winter crossing of the Delaware, that he was able to partially salvage the situation. Undocumented Intelligence and Special Operations (Black Ops). C.C. The Britannian Empire is the world's dominant military superpower and one of the large supernations that control Earth in the early 21st Century, the others being the European Union and the Chinese Federation. Over time, it evolved into a modern espionage agency, its roles including Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, Internal Security and Special Operations. In a heated session in the House of Lords, one noble caused outrage with the words 'lift the Imperial lash from our backs, and the Chancellor's boot from our throats!'. By the end of the first year, Britannia was in effective control of Las Californias, Sonora, and Coahuila y Tejas, and poised to march further south. His patrimony was impressive indeed, including not only Britannia but his father's 'Angevin Empire', which consisted of half of France. Its territory now stretched from the Arctic Circle to Panama, and from ocean to ocean; though substantial areas were only sparsely inhabited. The new revenues were quickly put to use, expanding and improving the empire's infrastructure. By the time of the first season the world is divided among the Holy Britannian Empire (Red), Europa United (Blue), The Chinese Federation (Orange), The Middle Eastern Federation (Green), and Australia (Yellow-Green). The government responded with force, tasking tens of thousands of Imperial troops - many of them former slaves - to suppress the violence and hunt down the insurgents. Despite their resistance, it was a culture war the aristocrats would eventually win. Over one hundred and thirty million Elevens and Britannians were killed in this event, which was rightfully dubbed the Devastation of Japan. In a typical open-field operation, knightmares will operate ahead and to the flanks of the main force. The Britannian legend has him come to a bad end after trying to cheat his erstwhile allies out of the land and wealth he had promised them. So anticipating of Britannia's capitulation that neither the European nor Japanese leadership, much less that of the rest of the world, were able to so much as suspect Britannia's eventual response. With St Paul's Cathedral having been destroyed, his coronation was a small-scale affair at his palace at Whitehall. The war was over, and Britannia had already been changed beyond recognition. Whether he even existed remains controversial, and even his true name remains problematic. Worse, the Dukes tended to regard one-another as the greater threat, and were not above hiring Vikings to attack their rivals. This was one issue that Ricardo could not silence with words. By this time the kingdom was under the leadership of Caratacus, son of the successful conqueror Cunobelinus. In this, her greatest challenge lay in how to create an officer corps both professional enough to perform effectively, yet immune to political or religious subversion. The Kraken attacked on September 15th, hitting the Monitor with two torpedoes. Matters reached a head in December of 1773, when citizens of the port of Boston, Massachusetts, boarded a merchant ship and threw its cargo of tea into the harbour in a protest against government taxation policies. With his father's death in 871, Alfred took up his brother's dukedom; in 874 he found himself with the mantle of leadership for all Britannians. The Imperial Palace is located at the center of the city, from which extends Saint Darwin Boulevard, to which the Palaces and Villas of the Imperial Consorts are connected. It is a historical irony that these Norman Britannian villages would become the incubator of modern democracy, a development tied up in the relationship between Britannian peasants and their Norman rulers. His eldest daughter Elizabeth was declared Regent in 1793, her ascession facilitated by her control of the Imperial Guard corps. With the New Model having retaken Leicester, and proving itself as capable in seige warfare as it was on the battlefield, Edward's only option was to head north, where he still held substantial territory. As Elizabeth's siblings and relatives were hunted down and slaughtered, one after the other, most of the nobility were able flee the Isles and head for North America, taking with them as much of their wealth as they could carry. © 2010 - 2021 That the guard included a disproportionate number of the most promising young officers and NCOs, for whom the guard acted as an informal fast-track system, made its losses all the more tragic. The war itself lasted only a few weeks, coming to an end under inexplicable circumstances. By the same token, rebel forces were unable to oust Imperial troops from fortified positions, as they lacked heavy artillery. Puritanism had gone into abeyance over the 19th century, but it had nevertheless left its mark on the American consciousness. The committee nevertheless enjoyed a degree of public support, especially from Nativists, who saw it as rooting out traitors and conspirators. Products more of the Enlightenment than of the Reformation or the Renaissance, men like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson - to name but a few - were animated by new ideals. Falling share prices left speculators, some of whom had borrowed at dangerous levels to fund their speculation, out of pocket. Beholden as he was to the nobles who had backed his accession, Maximilian was regarded by many ordinary Britannians as distant and uncaring, more concerned for the needs of nobles than for their interests. McClellan's artillery provided effective support to the infantry, but a shortage of shells prevented it from performing as he wished. Much like Emperor Arthur, the 'Alwyn' of Britannian tradition may have been a single person, the combined exploits of multiple persons, or merely a legend. The EU could not provide the tanks and planes in bulk that Brazil desperately needed; limiting itself to a handful of samples and technical crews, allowing the Brazilians to build their own. The battle ended in a Roman victory, and when Claudius himself arrived shortly afterwards, Togodumnus swore allegiance to Rome as King of the Britons. Headgear is generally optional, with commissar caps, flight caps and kepis being available to all ranks and berets being reserved for special forces or certain high profile commanders. This tendancy spawned a new genre of 'my aristocrat neighbour' stories, describing broken aristocrats trying to survive among ordinary people, ranging from romance to comedy to tragedy. In a manner not dissimilar to her French opposite number, Louis XIV, Elizabeth established a network of Imperial officials right down to the county level, the beginnings of a modern civil service. The rest were volunteers, hurriedly raised in the early months of 1861. For a growing number of the New Model, the war had become a crusade, in the pursuit of which almost any atrocity was permissable. The size, population, and economic importance can vary considerably. For all of the second and much of the third year of the war, the Britannian advance would proceed at a snail's pace. Unlike the Confederates' run at Hampton Roads however, the Leviathan was completely unchallenged throughout her run, thus allowing her to succeed - again unlike at Hampton Roads - in breaking both the blockade and the Mexican Navy in only a matter of weeks, effectively paving the way for the eventual Marine landings. This would prepare the way for a push east and south along Brazil's Atlantic coast, with the capital at Rio de Janeiro being the ultimate target. The mutual slaughter was made all the worse by the presence of Gatling guns; appearing for the first time in a major battle. Richard's first war was the War of Devolution, a year-long confict in which he joined with Sweden and the United Provinces to oppose Louis XIV of France's ambitions in the Spanish Netherlands. The first order of business was to settle the empire's finances; war expenses and trade disruption had left Britannia with a national debt of over three billion Pounds, or around thirty percent of GDP. But the victory presented an opportunity, and in June Lee led his army north into Pennsylvania. Though reasonably competent in the strategic context, his lack of tactical flair contributed to Mexican defeats in Coahuila y Tejas and Sonora. It is unclear to what extent the Chosen were any match for the Roman Legions. Many fled into Japan's mountainous interior, where neither Britannia nor Kyoto had any meaningful control. Recognizably modern airships, driven by sakuradite-based motors, were first used in the Mexican campaigns, even launching an air attack against Maximilian City; though more damage was done by panic-stricken citizenry than the small bombs dropped on them by hand. His arrival was a disaster for the Covenanters, for it helped Montrose to convince his highland soldiers, who were motivated primarily by clan interests, to remain with him a while longer; if only to finally get paid. Finally, one enormous explosion, measuring 337,000 kilometers in diameter, engulfed the entirety of Area 11 and everything on it. Ostensibly made wealthy and powerful by sakuradite, the Republic of Japan was as diplomatically isolated as it was politically divided. The following is a list of the Areas of the Britannian Empire from Code Geass Megiddo. The war opened in accordance with newly-established doctrine. A week later, he was ambushed and murdered in the palace by a group of Euro-Britannian nobles. Either way, he was to spend the next five years solidifying his power base and expanding his domain, bringing neighboring tribes into a grand alliance by a mixture of force, threats, and persuasion. A disaster such as Fredericksburg could not go unpunished, and Burnside was replaced by Joseph Hooker in January of 1863. Boudicca is thought to have died either during or shortly after the battle. Much like the ground forces, the Air Force favors aggression and taking the fight to the enemy. A typical corps for open-field operations will number three tank divisions, one mechanised infantry division, and one artillery division; the ratio of tanks to infantry is usually reversed for urban operations. It was also responsible for much of the administrative machinery. Alec has often been labeled the 'Britannian Claudius,' an unassuming figure who endured obscurity in return for a quiet life. Henry's approach to slavery derived from that of Ancient Rome; a slave was bound to his master, but could hold property, earn money, and eventually buy his freedom. Edward initially refused, unwilling to destroy a loyal and capable servant on the basis of hearsay. Area 1 - North America Area 2 - Canada and Empress Elizabeth Islands Area 3 - … In that same month, a French general by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte launched a military coup against the current French government, known as the Directory. By 2017, they numbered around 10,000,000, spread out over the Areas. Both disappear from the historical record at this point, though Lelouch at least would not reappear for eight years. Though the Dragoons' Challenger tanks were technically superior to the army's older Chieftains, years of official and Imperial neglect had left the Dragoons with little notion of how to use them, while the foot guards had no anti-tank weapons to speak of. The war started as a series of police actions, as Imperial troops attempted to disarm the colonists, of which the Battles of Lexington and Concord in April 1775 are arguably the most significant. He took a particular interest in electricity, and is regarded as the man who discovered the superconductive properties of Sakuradite, though his ability to test his discovery was limited by having no reliable source of electricty; most of his experiments could be conducted only during lightning storms. One theory even claimed he had acquired the secret of Greek Fire from the distant eastern Roman Empire. Mexico was at a clear but not necessarily insurmountable disadvantage in terms of numbers and material, though its lack of naval strength would prove a serious problem. The black aristocracy of the Hemingway Islands are a prominent example, including the Houses of Duvalier and Dessalines. Precisely what happened remains unclear, but it is known from multiple accounts that several warships attempted to leave Nelson's battle-lines at a crucial moment. Named for its inventor, who drowned during its second sinking, the submarine H.L. The most significant of these was responsibility for overseeing the settling and maintenance of overseas colonies, a cause he pursued with great enthusiasm. This stability and success went so far as to allow the establishment of colonies in France and Spain. Dubbed 'Reconstruction' in the press, it aimed to repair both the physical and psychological damage wrought by the war, reuniting Britannians with a common culture and interest. Special Dragoon Squadrons are permitted to act independently, with minimal input from their superiors, but otherwise knightmares tend to function at the company level. Edward and Montrose met near Selkirk, defeated a hurriedly-assembled Covenanter force that sought to oppose them, then marched north to besiege Edinburgh, which surrendered in return for pardons. That being said, as history had already proven so many times and would again, military glory could cover a multitude of sins. They held most strongly to the chivalric ideals that had spread through Britannia since Ricardo's time, and were most likely to oppose social change. His replacement was Edward, heir to the House of Wessex, raised in exile in Normandy. Ashford Academy(アッシュフォード学園, Asshufōdo Gakuen?) The largest of these territories are the Duchies, which are in turn divided downward into Marquessates, Margravates, Earldoms, Viscounties and Baronies. Their testimony led to a public outcry, and Elizabeth personally intervened to acquit the defendants while having hundreds of officers arrested as part of her investigation. Even worse, the Britannian fleet lost two of its aircraft carriers, HMS Hornet and HMS Yorktown; one to an air attack from the lone Brazilian carrier Sao Paolo, the other to a Brazilian destroyer squadron that encountered it seemingly by accident. But the concept was proven, and given a moral boost by the Hunley's sacrifice. As it had elsewhere, the mountainous terrain caused all manner of problems for the Britannian forces. When her son Prince Lelouch confronted his father over the incident, Charles responded by disinheriting both Lelouch and Nunnally, then sending them to Japan as hostages. The great and final tragedy of her reign was the Great Fire of London, which saw much of the city destroyed. Like Canute before him, William ruled as a Britannian Emperor in name and in fact. Even so, the people's willingness to absorb the costs of ever larger and more destructive wars could no longer be taken for granted. Justices enough to try them? The bloodying of the South Atlantic fleet bought the Brazilians and their allies valuable time. The war would drag on for two more years, in which the Levellers were gradually crushed between Elizabeth and Cromwell. Its ultimate target was the Philippine Islands, then under the control of the rogue Spanish colony of Nueva Espana. Reconstruction would go ahead, buoyed by the memory of its Imperial martyrs. The Emperor can make policy, propose laws, and can veto any act by any other branch of the government. Not only would she survive the onslaught, though greatly damaged, she would even be able to withdraw north to Imperial waters. The Japanese government surrendered not long after, with many receiving Honourary Britannian status and high positions in the new administration. A series of stock market panics from 1984 to 1987 effectively destroyed Britannia's banking sector, causing massive economic disruption. £13.07 postage. To overturn any official act of the Emperor requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate, while an impeachment requires a three-quarters vote. His attacks against the Confederate left and center were initially successful, but the attacking corps were not properly coordinated, and opportunities to decisively break Confederate resistance were missed. 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