
does density affect weight

Bone density is determined initially by inherited genes, If a parent has low bone density there is a 50% chance each child may also. After the students have calibrated the Weight Scale, it might be fun to have them see if they can guess how many pennies have been loaded into their cup by another student. The students will carefully load the cup with pennies and mark the card at about 5 penny intervals. If You Make a Starbucks Run Every Morning, You Need to See These Comparison Photos. In the metric system force is measured in newtons hence weight is also measured in newtons. This definition is properly confusing and you can work on the meaning of "stuff"! i have heard that "standing frames" - devices that move paraplegics to a standing position - help maintain bone density due to the weight-bearing aspect. The whole idea is to have the zero of the scale at the bottom of the card using the string-rubber band junction as the pointer. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. These will become the balance beams for our mass balance. (We have already suggested that the small 1 oz cups will hold 10 cubic centimeters when filled to a point 1.4 cm above the bottom and it will hold 20 cubic centimeters when filled to a point 2.3 centimeters above the bottom.) The bubbles are elongated along the strength axis, but not density. So is there truth to the heavy weight, big bones, big frame? I Words: Most people hardly think that there is a difference between "weight" and "mass" and it wasn't until we started our exploration of space that is was possible for the average person to experience, even indirectly, what it must mean to be "weightless". This explains why airplanes have a flight ceiling, an altitude above which it cannot fly. Now add 5 pennies to the cup and carefully mark where the knot touches the card. Although mass is usually measured in kilograms or grams, we will measure mass in "pennies". Some say mass is the amount of matter in something (and hope that no one asks: What is matter?). Building the "Weight Scale" requires some careful cutting of a straw that can be done with a good pair of scissors or a sharp knife. The actual dimensions of the balance beam is not too critical and a wooden ruler is about right--the best are old ones that have lost the metal strip they often have along one edge. 2009;169(11):1046-54. We could do exactly that in this activity but at this point we have no good way to measure volume. have any of you had actual experience with these? (Once again we remind you that we really don't know the best way to teach these concepts to young students. One factor affecting the density of a material is how concentrated the atoms are in a given volume. A recent study shows that weight loss can result in worsening bone density, bone architecture, and bone strength. Now try this one: which takes up more space, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead? You will learn later that on the surface of the earth, a mass of 1 kilogram weighs 9.8 newtons. Humans are locomotive animsl designed to move. Make sure all paper clips rotate freely in the drilled holes. Image Credit: Cavan Images/Cavan/GettyImages From this they will learn how to read between the marks they have placed on their cards (this is called interpolation) and they will also learn that the scale is really not too accurate. ). (Is it possible to assign tasks like this to parents who have better shop facilities at home?) A total of 230 men 50-79 years old were examined. Now comes the key question to ask the class: If you took the Mass Balance and your calibrated Weight Scale to the Moon, do you think they would give the same measurement as on Earth? A small nail works well for this purpose. If we get further away from the earth, the force the earth pulls on us is less and we weigh less. The aim of this study was to further investigate the relation between BMI, weight and BMD in an Iranian men population. Perhaps if your kids start thinking about it early enough, they may come to a better understanding of the difference between weight and mass when they are older.). Density: There are two kinds of density, "weight density" and "mass density". do you need to know the objects mass, weight or density? It will be necessary to poke holes in the portion cups. Physical Insights. A pound of marshmallows is going to take up much more space than a … We can estimate fairly accurately the difference in daily gain caused by the 0.64kg difference in start weight over the 26 day trial to be 40g/day. The pound is the US unit of force hence the US unit of weight is also the pound. Bulk density is an indicator of soil compaction and soil health. Molecular weight is typically captured by a number known as melt index or melt flow rate. Probably time could be saved in class if the necessary strings were cut to length in advance (and perhaps even tied to the cups). Our plan is to have the same volume of several different materials and measure their mass with the Mass Balance. Therefore, we wanted to obtain more insight into this apparent paradox. Although rapid or large weight loss is often associated with loss of bone density, slower or smaller weight loss is much less apt to adversely affect BMD, especially when it is accompanied with high intensity resistance and/or impact loading training. 1.9K Shares To learn more, please visit our. Lead shot can be obtained at a gun and ammo shop), any other finely ground solid material which can be used to illustrate a variety of different densities. Mass or as Newton would say, the quantity of matter in an object, does not change when you change your location in space but, as we will see shortly, weight does change. The hole size is not critical, about 1/8 of an inch is fine. At 39-deg F (4-deg C), water has a density of 8.34 pounds per gallon or 62.43 pounds per cubic foot. Measuring weight: Using a carefully segmented straw, a bent paper clip, a rubber band, some string, a small cup, a 3X5 card and some scotch tape we will construct the "Weight Scale" shown below: ( Since we had difficulty in joining the segment of rubber band to the string, we decided to show you a "carrick bend" which works quite well for this situation. Weight: If you can finally accept the concept mass even if we have been unable to define it, weight is easy: The weight of a mass is the force that the earth pulls on the mass. Interestingly, men who lost weight in the same study actually gained bone density in the spine, and the density in their hips didn’t change. Bone weight depends … Density tells us how much stuff has been packed into a certain amount of space. You must be able to tie the rubber band to the string and have the junction of the two be on the lower end of the 3 X 5 with nothing in the cup. This month we will explore specific gravity's effect on the performance of a centrifugal pump. There's One Major Drawback to Losing Weight When You're Older — Here's How to Avoid It By Jaime Osnato Updated February 11, 2020 Loss of bone density can be an issue when older people lose weight, but resistance exercise can help counter this effect. (The next page begins the "Student Activity Sheet". While losing weight is a goal for most people, there can be serious consequences as well. Five hundred ninety-one participants of the EPIC-NL … Naturally there is no easy way for us to perform such an experiment but, having your students think about this should help them to start understanding the difference between weight and mass. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. (So you ask--what is the difference between weight and mass?) Slight errors in the zero reading can be corrected by using shorter or longer string sections on the appropriate side. This is because as your weight increases, so does that of your bones. Not really. A later construction detail diagram will give you a better illustration of the Weight Scale.). Somewhat: Weight training can produce a modest increase in bone density over time. Lower density results in reduced lift. (You will find that not all pennies are exactly the same.) A more detailed construction of the Weight Scale is shown "below." Those who eat more low-calorie-density foods tend to eat fewer calories and have a … Maintenance of calcium and vitamin D intake seems to positively affect BMD during weight loss. A block of wood easily floats on water when on the Earth. High weight and high percentage mammographic breast density are both breast cancer risk factors but are negatively correlated. (Really give this some careful thought, most people can not answer this question. (We sincerely hope it will not be too difficult for you to accomplish this. When considering the units of measurement, weight is measured in Newton, whereas density is measured in kilograms per … Two things that weigh the same can be very different in size. Generally this is not sufficient to significantly treat osteoporosis. Although your measurements are not perfect (no measurements ever are) you can use your calibrated Weight Scale to find the weight of assorted things and you could even use it to count pennies. The Royal Osteoporosis Society explain what osteopenia and osteoporosis mean and how diet, lifestyle and genetic factors can affect bone density. High Differential Pressure opposes Gel strength) have less effect on ROP than mud density cuttings removal thus causing regrinding of drill cuttings [21][22]. These are the density and the molecular weight. We suggest that students begin by matching pennies on the left with pennies on the right (and they should discover that all pennies aren't really the same--this is real!) 4. If you have calibrated your scale well, you should be able to tell how many pennies someone has placed in the cup without actually counting them. Have one student secretly place a number of pennies in one cup and see if you can figure out how many pennies there are in the cup by matching them with pennies in the other cup. However, all instruments are less than perfect at some level and this crude scale should help them to realize this fact. The right side is in a never ending balancing act to keep this lift equaling weight. It is a simple, quick test. Isaac Newton called mass the quantity of matter. (We think it is nice that the scale is quite inexpensive and students who wish can construct one at home. If the same block of wood were taken to the Moon, would it float on water? Furthermore, density is an intensive physical property whereas weight is an extensive property. Like many confusing concepts, after they are finally understood, they are still difficult to explain to others who don't understand. We will use newtons for the unit of force (and weight) almost always in the discussions that follow. You should notice that the balance is most sensitive when the upper paper clip is in the center hole (in fact it is really too sensitive here) and it will be less sensitive when you use the higher holes. It affects infiltration, rooting depth/restrictions, available water capacity, soil porosity, plant nutrient availability, and soil microorganismactivity, which influence key soil processesand productivity . After you learn how to use the Mass Balance, you will be given several different materials to measure. (In the final scale, naturally, the string and rubber band fit inside of the straw sections.) Bulk density is also dependent on the soil organic matter content and density and arrangement of soil minerals (sand, silt, and clay). A study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston does conclude that weight loss in post-menopausal women can lead to lower bone density in the hip and spine, a change that can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. When losing weight, you could even lose Lead is dense, Styrofoam is not. It turns out that both obesity and weight loss can have negative implications for bone health. You should first check the Mass Balance with nothing in either cup to see if it is properly "zeroed". (Again, we suggest that you construct one in advance so you can evaluate how difficult it is to build.) 3. In your experiments with the Mass Balance, you always measured the mass of the same volume of material. As for concrete itself, the density of concrete of normal weight is about 2,400 kg per cubic meter, or 145 lbs. You … A simple slip knot works well on the bottom where the rubber band attaches to the bent paper clip bail. (We have avoided liquids since they seem to make a bigger mess.). Use the data you took to list the materials you measured in order of density with the most dense at the top of the list down to the least dense at the bottom of the list. We hope you have a feeling for what force means (and we will discuss it later). They don't need to weigh you, or determine your height. When the clip is in the top hole, it will balance easily. What follows is a description and illustration of how the balance beam should be constructed: The center hole should be exactly in the center so that when the beam is supported by a nail through this center hole, it will spin around freely. You see, the beauty of the Osteoporosis Reversal Programis that it not only increases your bone density, but it also balances your entire body. If we heat or chill the same amount of water, then does the density of the water change?Fairly measuring the mass and volume of the water (in order to address this question) is a bit more challenging, because water evaporates when heated, thus affecting both the mass and the volume of water being measured. The Mass Balance can be loaded with the cups on the table and pulling upward slightly on the support paper clip will test the balance condition. (Don't expect the numbers to be evenly spaced--rubber bands don't work that way.) Should you do this in advance or can your students do it? thanks! Depends on age & gender of the person. Whether the students work individually or in groups is best decided by you, however, some of the exercises need at least two people to hold and use the apparatus.). A very important question to consider now is: If you used this Mass Balance on the moon or on Mars, would the same amount of material on one side require the same number of pennies on the other side to balance it as it did on Earth? This balance measures mass in "penny" units. At least one box of #1 (small) paper clips, 20 (or more) long thin rubber bands (#19 will work--they are 1/16" thick and 3+" long), drinking straws, a fine tipped marking pen (Sharpie), scotch tape, 40 (or more) 1oz or 2oz plastic portion cups (Dixie sells them in boxes of 800 for less than $10--see if your school cafeteria has them), lots of pennies (to use as "weights"), light string, 20 (or more) specially drilled wooden rulers or cut sections of wooden molding, about a pound or two of each of the following as available: sand, rice, sawdust, fine crushed Styrofoam (place Styrofoam packing or cups in a plastic bag and pound--yes, this can make a mess), lead shot (can this be used with children? First mark on the card where the knot touches the card with nothing in the cup (this will be the zero line on the scale). Weight training can produce a modest increase in bone density over time. Hopefully this exercise will help the students to begin to see the relationship between mass, volume and density. You don't have to calculate the density in "pennies per cup" since you always measured the same volume of material--just look at your data to make the list. After the students become familiar with the use of the balance, we suggest that nearly equal volumes of the assorted materials (sand, rice, metal shot, Styrofoam) be measured. In addition to a basic discussion of air density, we will also describe the effects of lower air density – such as caused by going to high altitudes – on humans, how humidity affects air density – you might be surprised – and the affects of air density of aircraft, baseballs, and even racing cars. The students will calibrate this Weight Scale with pennies and mark the 3 X 5 card with a marking pen during the calibration exercise. Remember, you always balance the unknown object against several pennies with the Mass Balance but you just let the unknown object pull down against the calibrated rubber band on the Weight Scale. So, here we will be discussing whether weight loss can cause bone loss or not. (Have your teacher discuss with you what mass means--this is quite confusing to many people.). If you put the clip in the bottom hole, it probably will be too sensitive to balance at all. (In the United States today, almost no one knows what the unit of mass is called--it's not the pound. Lead is about 10 times as dense as water and Styrofoam is about one tenth as dense as water. Density can be measured in grams per cubic centimeter. We hope we can explain the difference between mass, weight and density so clearly that you will have no trouble explaining the difference to your students. Weight Loss; How Does Calorie Density Affect Weight Loss? As with the mass balance, you should weigh some of the materials your teacher provides. If you are using the 1 oz Dixie portion cups, it is possible to draw a line on the cup 1.4 cm above the bottom and it will represent 10 cubic centimeters and a line 2.3 cm above the bottom of the cup will represent 20 cubic centimeters (or milliliters). Density is mass per volume. Note that in the construction diagram "below", we show how the straw should be sectioned so that it can be attached to the 3 X 5 card. We can talk all around it but we will finally have to admit that our words fail. The metric system was designed so that water will have a density of one gram per cubic centimeter or 1000 kilograms per cubic meter. Two other holes should be drilled on a line directly above the center hole. It is important that the lower length of the straw be made just long enough to extend from the top of the paper clip "bail" to the bottom of the card with the rubber band sticking out the top. However, bone density is an equally important part of what makes up our body composition. Achieving the potential peak bone mass during adolescence, and maintaining it during the adulthood is very important for preventing future fractures. Others say mass is the measure of an object's inertia (which assumes we understand the elusive property of inertia). The pound is a unit of weight--more about weight in the next paragraph. Research has linked people’s intake of high-calorie-density foods to weight gain and obesity. In the atmosphere, air density decreases as altitude increases. 2. (Remember, when we make a statement and enclose it in parenthesis, nothing will be lost if you ignore it.). The balance will not work properly if the paper clips hang up. In other words, when air density went down, speed or angle of attack could be increase to negate the lose from reduced air density. In the metric system mass is measured in kilograms and grams and these will be the units we will most often use. (Practice with pencil first until you learn how to do this.) High strength at low weight is so often important that a property called specific strength is defined as strength/density . This is the "below" referred to in the above paragraph. (This is confusing stuff and most college students will have difficulty understanding it. Usually we spend most of our time on Earth so our weight is the force that the earth pulls on us. As an airplane ascends, a point is eventually reached where there just isn't enough air mass to generate enough lift to overcome the airplane's weight. A student's weight on Earth is 100 pounds. The scale is illustrated below: After you have constructed the Weight Scale (your teacher will give you instructions) you will calibrate it using pennies. We suggest that these be reproduced in sufficient numbers for the entire class. Although several studies have investigated the association between body mass index (BMI) and bone mineral density (BMD), the results are inconsistent. The more mass something has, the harder it is to move or, the more sluggish it is. does weight training increase bone density? In some cases, materials made of atoms with a lower atomic weight have a greater density than those with a higher atomic weight, due to the atoms being more tightly packed. Always measure the same volume of the given materials, that is, always fill the material to the same level on the cup on the left and find its mass by placing pennies in the cup on the right. So if you're looking to shed some pounds, the balance you achieve with the programwill get you there. First test the Mass Balance to see if it is "zeroed". It is the weight of dry soil per unit of volume typically expressed Home Bone density is increased when you do activities that put stress on the bone structure like weight lifting or in this case carrying around excess weight. i'm confused by the bone density t score? Now comes a very important question: If you took your calibrated Weight Scale to the Moon, would it work the same way it did on Earth? A student's mass on Earth is 50 kilograms. We will only use mass density and when we say: "density", we will mean "mass density". The bones need to become heavier in order to support a heavier load. Generally this is not sufficient to significantly treat osteoporosis. Yes, by stopping/starting various things that can affect bone density: medications, dietary changes, level of activity and exercise, and others. (You hold the scale with the string which has been passed through a small piece of straw taped to the card.) Arch Intern Med. Rather than actually measuring the density, we feel it will be sufficient for the students to appreciate that the same volume can be a large mass or a small mass depending upon the material involved. Attaching the rubber band to the bail of the cup is easily accomplished with a slip knot but attaching the string to the rubber band is a slight problem--a suggested knot is shown with the illustration. If u move , less u lose bone. IV What the teacher must do in advance of the activity: We feel the most difficult preparation item for this activity will be making the drilled ruler or preparing sections of wood properly drilled. While one student carefully holds the Weight Scale by the string the other student will make a line on the card. A scientist would say: >> Disagree. The Effect of Weight on Aircraft Performance Published on October 22, ... Density decreases with altitude and increased temperature. And if you're at your … Which of us hasn't fallen for the old riddle: What weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? Better minds than ours have been confused over the meaning of the concept "mass" and even today, better minds than ours contemplate what mass really means. You will construct and calibrate a Weight Scale. Since everyone seems to have lots of pennies and all pennies are about the same mass, we will use the penny as our standard of mass. ), This Weight Scale can also be used to measure some of the other materials that were measured with the Mass Balance. This scale works by measuring how far a certain number of pennies are able to stretch a piece of rubber band. Objective. Osteoporosis is often thought of as a condition that only impacts elderly people – but did you know that diet and lifestyle at every stage of life can significantly affect your bone health? Lead is dense, Styrofoam is not. This leaves a difference of 60g/day due to stocking density. can they need your body weight and height for bone density scan? The whole idea of weight is related to the force of gravity (and we hate just to use the word "gravity" since it can bring up even more confusion). Hopefully they will find that they will get pretty close to the same answer in "pennies" for the mass as measured on the Mass Balance and the weight as measured on the Weight Scale. per cubic foot. All men underwent a standard BMD scans of hip (total hip, femoral neck, trochanter, and femoral shaft) and lumbar vertebrae (L2-L4) using a Dual-Energy X-ray Ab… Finally, think about this one: which weighs more 100 pennies on the earth or 100 pennies on the moon? The Mass Balance is shown below. If this student went to the Moon, would her mass be more, less, or the same? The effect of a plant-based low-carbohydrate ("Eco-Atkins") diet on body weight and blood lipid concentrations in hyperlipidemic subjects. I will need to know what problems you have with your legs - . Illustrated below is the device we will use to measure mass and we will call it "the Mass Balance". The key difference between density and weight is that weight is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, whereas density measures the amount of matter in a unit volume. If you lived on Mars, the above definition would probably change to: "The weight of a mass is the force that Mars pulls on the mass." The difference between the two is density. Ideally, silt loam has 50 percent pore space and a bulk density … Obesity and weight ) almost always in the portion cups same amount of matter in something and! How to use the mass balance, you consent to our use of.... The atmosphere, air density decreases with altitude and increased temperature through small... Are two kinds of density, such as soil texture cup '' density and when we make line! Is an indicator of soil compaction and soil health your legs - fill. 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