
optimistic characters in books

Though she starts off as … I sometimes find myself looking for a book to read to my class that will serve as an example of good character or act as a literary pep talk. I used crepes to teach my dog to eliminate on command. There are lots of reasons for Charlie Brown to be a pessimist – he clearly suffers from anxiety – but he keeps on getting up, reminding himself that his fears could very well be groundless and that he should not give up. Sometimes you can’t change what’s going on round you, but the message that you can change your own response to it is a pretty radical one and I think that this does need to be respected. As long as he has alcohol and explosives, Allan remains resolutely sunny-natured and prepared to go with the flow. This ever-optimistic Goof does get himself into a spot of trouble every now and again (or all the time), but he always believes things will turn out right. Jane even thinks that Caroline Bingley really likes her – but is it really so foolish for her to take someone’s friendship at face value? Pollyanna and her famous ‘Glad Game’ take optimism to competitive levels. Candide struggles on however, discovering that philosophy is not terribly helpful when one is buried in the rubble of an earthquake and the only person at hand is Pangloss, a philosopher, who is more interested in proving the causes of an earthquake than actually rescuing you. Your email address will not be published. Our problems are solved. Michael Bond himself fell into a deep depression during the 1970s and credits Paddington with pulling him out of it. The world is currently a grim place. Don't believe this one either. I’ve kind of got my ‘French graduate’ hat on in picking this one but in all fairness, the book is subtitled ‘Optimism’ so one kind of has to pick him. And you'd better do it before the other guy finds it first. In vivid poems, she shares what it was like to grow up as an African American in the 1960s and 1970s, living with the remnants of Jim Crow and her growing awareness of … You can unsubscribe at any time. For many Ransome enthusiasts, such as me, that inhabit forums etc she is not often seen as a major character, but I agree with you about her being the one with ideas. , Your email address will not be published. Taking Bingley back after he treated her in such a weaselly manner is hard for the twenty-first century woman to understand. I am surrounded by amazing women and I want to see them in the books I read with my kids. Paddington is one of those characters who keeps on running because, as Bond explains, you go to a new place and wonder what Paddington would make of it. He knows that Lucy will pull the ball away and that he will go flying through the air but he keeps on trying anyway. The Bible refers to this as “ hope.” Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Twoflower, The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. There are many subgenres of the romance novel, including fantasy, historical romance, paranormal fiction, and science fiction. See more ideas about books, picture book, childrens books. Captain Carrot is an interesting character within Discworld – he is the main character of the first Discworld novel to feature the City Watch which does seem to have become one of Pratchett’s favourite avenues to explore. Both versions of the Anne Shirley character capture optimism in different ways. Fotherington-Thomas looks on the bright side, does his own thing and holds no grudge – but yet we are told that he will grow up to be a world famous astronaut. The characters are so in depth and their backstories are so interesting. However, what lets this book down is Shorter himself. Tigger’s bouncing does get him into trouble – one time he bounces into a tree and can’t get down and even though he says that Tiggers like everything, he does find out that this ‘leap before you look’ attitude doesn’t have a universal pay-off. Would we ever hear more about the fact that he was (probably) royal? Titty Walker, I salute you. He believes that since he is simply there to observe, surely no harm can possibly befall him. It's true. At the very root of a pessimistic mind-set is the fear brain, and at the very root of an optimistic mind-set is the pleasure brain. Another of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld characters, he is a tourist who has ventured to Ankh-Morpork to see if all of the stories he has heard are true. There is something about Twoflower that reflects the mindless optimism of the Westerner abroad to do ‘aid work’ despite having no relevant skills. Even Captain Carrot is willing to defend himself in a fight if necessary – albeit observing the Marquess of Queensferry rules at all times. But these particular titles badly overestimate our abilities. Anne gets hurt with the way that she allows her imagination to soar up into the sky only to be confronted with reality but yet she herself declares that the lows are worth it for those highs. Which is all very well. *shakes fist at long-dead person*). The fun-fair? The real strength of this book is in the many short interviews and meetings Shorter has with famous and non-famous people around the world. The above is the painting that Jane Austen felt best depicted the Jane Bennet of her story. Boundless enthusiasm, a real passion for improving the lives of others and an unshakeable faith in humanity despite extensive evidence to the contrary – let us salute her and all those like her. Do you dislike Sara Crewe as well? Go to hell you rotten Marquess of Queensberry you. This is a book that won’t tell you how to think about [the future], but will give you the tools to make up your mind about it. She seemed to be the most enthusiastic of the Swallows and also to be the one who was guided by faith – I don’t mean religious, but by faith in herself. Not with all those idiots out there hunting uranium I can't. Well, get to it then. Eh, all I really want to do is play golf. Basically, he’s awesome. Still, although Rabbit may find him tedious and even Winnie-the-Pooh may be slightly wary of his wilder imaginings, Tigger’s energy and enthusiasm has made him a truly beloved character. Oh…nothing. The examples of these traits are honesty, kindness, caring, loving, righteous, brave, wise, etc; these help develop a positive and pleasing personality. Carrot believes in the absolute best of people and it is his conviction that drags the Watch out of the quagmire into which it has slumped and which encourages Sam Vimes to up his game, eventually making the Watch the model of law-making across the Disc. I think that Sara Crewe is another example of the creepy Victorian fetishisation of childhood/innocent/both which Burnett specialised in (Emily Fox-Seton was a grown woman who still acted like a child and everybody adored her for it – except for the person who wanted to murder her). Pollyanna is a little orphan child sent to live with her austere great aunt but although times may appear grim, she has the Glad Game that her father taught her which aims to see things from a more positive perspective. ... Rowling steps into The Wire territory, fearlessly killing off some favorite characters--including (spoiler alert!) A much underrated character! But that doesn't mean you should. 1 / 7. I feel that Jane Bennet gets something of an unfair press in comparison to her sister Lizzy. Shakespeare’s characters are woven into the texture of Western culture. What does this say about our psychological attitude towards those who are happy? Never mind. Visualize your dreams and you'll get there. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. However, I would argue that Pratchett seemed to take against Carrot over time, with the character and his relationships fading into the background. Being honest, I never cared for the book but the ITV adaptation was sweet in its own way – I think it seemed less saccharine because it was set in Britain (sorry American readers!) Maybe that’s why I always liked her best. To be frank, they tend to be annoying, perceived as slightly dim and to generally be characters who need a bit of ‘looking after’. His optimism applied to every situation is infectious – yet, he is nobody’s fool and is ready with one of his ‘hard stares’ when he thinks that he is being taken advantage of. Is Charlie Brown an optimist? I love the idea that after publishing, she missed her characters so much that she wandered around looking for pictures of them. It's about time someone started doing this! Since then, more and more books every year have told us what we "can" do. I adore Fotherington-Tomas – all together now, “Hullo clouds, hull sky.”  He is a big fan of Lord Fauntleroy and is kind to his sisters. Joseph Weiss, 1948. For the best possible experience please confirm you agree to the use of cookies as set out in our privacy policy. Please confirm you have read and agreed to our, Review: Little Boy Lost, Marghanita Laski, Review: How to Be More Paddington: A Book of Kindness, Michael Bond, Sunday Song – Let’s Dance to Joy Division, Review: Dickens at Christmas, Charles Dickens, Review: A Glove Shop in Vienna & Other Winter Stories, Eva Ibbotson, Beg Borrow Or Steal But Make Sure You Read. I've seen the future. I will throw that bomb right back in their faces. These are the characteristics of a pessimist. Allan remains unruffled by the series of unpleasant events which befall him – castration, detention, it’s all the same to him. Self-motivated: one of the traits of optimistic people. Tigger is a Marmite kind of guy – you will either love him or loathe him. Ah Little Lord F, how I have come to loathe you, o little prancing prince. I know. But the sixth book in the series also introduces the magic of "apparating." The garden centre? A few people over the past few weeks have described him as such and then I watched The Peanuts Movie last week (a big thank you to my lovely non-fan boyfriend who bought me it as a present) and remembered that a) Peanuts is awesome and b) no matter how often Charlie Brown gets knocked down, he keeps on trying. Whenever Candide meets any ‘intelligent’ characters, they all have a very disparaging view on humanity and indeed life in general. (shelved 1 time … I own more than one piece of merchandise. 10 Habits of Truly Optimistic People: Power Your Life with the Positive - eBook (9781632280114) by David Mezzapelle Hear about sales, receive special offers & more. Book – Optimistic SFF The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and while we've come across some trouble, we're going to overcome it together . It’s sort of similar to how Pamela‘s ‘virtue’ and similar uncritical observation of her rapist’s character was ‘rewarded’ by her getting to marry the gent who was of course reformed. Second, there is the optimistic ending in which the character gains a self-understanding that will lead to a positive step, but the book stops prior to this step being taken. It has a good amount of dialogue, but not so much as to make the reader feel bombarded or bored." Strong, smart, and strategic, this Disney "princess" never lets the boys -- or the bad guys -- … Yes – I remember the dowsing, Pigeon Post was the first book of the series that I read – I was very impressed. Lizzy shakes her head when Jane assumes that Wickham must really love Lydia to marry her for such little money. Even though the Little Red-Haired Girl never speaks to him, he holds out hope that one day she might. Looking up literature’s pessimists made me realise how they tend to function within a narrative as an obstacle to be ‘fixed’ – we want them to be happy. beloved Dumbledore, the closest person Harry has to a parent. I tend to think of Titty as being the ideas man of the outfit – I remember perhaps most of all because of her imagination but I think a big part of that is that she always looked on the bright side. The Gift - A Poem for Book Clubs, and other pieces I've written 3 chapters — updated Mar 21, 2011 07:18AM — 13 people liked it National Book Award Finalist. Tatty?) This will save you a lot of money! No one wants to be sad, negative, and see the glass as half empty. She was always my favourite of the Swallows – or indeed of all of the children in the series. Teaching kids to be optimistic is possible, but simple telling them to do so won’t just work. I guess she’s not quite the same amount ray of sunshine as Little Lord F is — when events in her life are sad, she’s sad about them, and she does recognize that Miss Minchin, for instance, is terrible. Relentless optimism will not get you anywhere. They see the glass as half full, they are always in a … Just not to North Korean high command. The outsider status offers no protection in and of itself but yet somehow Twoflower and his compadres feel that it ought  This kind of positive attitude is extolled by sunny-natured people with big grins but has nothing to back it up – what’s the worst that can happen? I’m loved now, but when I wasn’t, it didn’t mean I … I think that Candide is a good example of an adult exploration of optimism and the general conclusion appears to be that it’s absurd … maybe that’s why optimists tend to congregate in child/fantasy fiction? He plays with a skipping rope and is ‘utterly wet and a wede’ in the words of the series’ narrator Nigel Molesworth. Photo Credit: Cassidy Kelley on Unsplash. She is not as sharp-witted – sharp-tongue in fact and she does come across as more of a victim. Required fields are marked *. Candide and his tutor Pangloss believe ‘everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds.’  This was a very popular theory among Renaissance philosophers since if God is perfect then the world he created must be perfect also. Looking at the best of people is one thing but realism should be maintained. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. However, I still like Sara Crewe because as you say, she does still get sad when things get tough and she has no illusions about Miss Minchin. The American Creed: A Spiritual and Patriotic Primer (Hardcover) by Forrest Church. A much underrated character! And you'd better do it before the other guy finds it … Optimism funny cartoons from CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on-line collection of cartoons and comics. Anne’s optimism is perhaps all the more impressive because she had so little of happiness in her own life to hold on to. Titty is optimistic from the very first book in Ransome’s series, she knows she saw the burglars bury Captain Flint’s chest, despite the doubts of the others, and finds it. Naïve characters are often cast in the supporting role, with a main character who looks out for them. A romance novel or romantic novel is a type of novel and genre fiction which places its primary focus on the relationship and romantic love between two people, and usually has an "emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.". Her interpretation is also closer to the dreamy Anne of the novels. Anne’s positivity is what has kept her going and it is what will carry her through all trials. This is a kind of optimism that one has a nasty suspicion keeps beaten and abused people staying situations which they should flee. Yet despite all that he has encouraged his peers to achieve, somehow his creator fell out of love with him, having little room for development. Protected by the hapless Rincewind, Twoflower remains cheerily unconcerned by the succession of terrible and life-threatening events which befall him – although to be fair he does have the Luggage with him which is prepared to eat all those who challenge its master. The end of the novel does allow for some kind of positive conclusion with all the characters reunited in the garden but Candide has clearly rejected philosophy in favour of hard work. For Tigger, thinking positively is not just about your thoughts, it’s a whole body thing – he bounces, it’s what Tiggers do best. Great. I wanted to be her and am heartbroken on her behalf that she had to be renamed in order for a new generation to appreciate her (Tatty? Later in the series (Pigeon Post) it is her that finds water by dowsing, again despite the doubts of others. A romance starring D’Onofrio, an actor who will attract the interest of most beaus and husbands enough for them to give it a chance, represents the sort of rare moment in his career that all fans should enjoy. Top Ten Ways I Would Re-Invent The Classics. Where Eeyore is the pessimist of the Hundred Acre Wood gang, Tigger is definitely the optimist and he makes sure that everybody knows about it. Twoflower is another of life’s optimists who ought to come with his own Hazard sign. You might start with Escape from Kathmandu for something light and fluffy (and almost more fantasy than sci-fi), but Antarctica and New York 2140 are great too.. You might also check Malka Older's Infomocracy too, which is an interesting take on a future that is post-war and governed by micro-democracy. I adore him. Cedric assumes that everyone is well-intentioned and noble-spirited even when there is direct evidence before him to contradict this. He is very similar in role to Constable Benton Fraser of Due South in his apparent physical and moral perfection and also in his unshakeable faith that people do want to do the right thing. Does this mean there are few such characters in adult fiction, that novels for adults have to reflect the awfulness of life? The different views on what constitutes optimism and what makes people tick is fascinating. Hermionie was one of the first characters that helped me embrace my love for books and never back down from a challenge. I was getting tired of trying to make one myself. For me, that’s inspiring. Which famous literary character is known for his/her optimism and good humor? – meghanj4d712079f Of course, I am drawn to one of your choices in particular – Titty Walker. Cookies are disabled. Allan Karlsson, The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out A Window And Disappeared. Just look how that cat is staring you down. But we have good reason to turn pessimism into optimism; things just aren’t as bad as they seem. Carrot was already so happy and so perfect – what on earth could Pratchett do to make his life better? Hahaha, aw, I can’t believe you’re so down on Ceddie! What interests me however is how Pollyanna is in effect implementing her own basic form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – over a century before it was dreamed up in real life (this could be wrong, I have no expertise in this area), Pollyanna is encouraging people to take the facts of their situation and alter their own response. The novella has been widely translated, with English versions titled Candide: or, All for the Best (1759); Candide: or, The Optimist (1762); and Candide: Optimism (1947). What would Paddington do in the supermarket? Jane is kind to her mother, unlike Lizzy and patient with Mr and Mrs Gardiner’s children in a way that one suspects that Lizzy would not be. Mulan. Mary Lennox and Colin Craven were Burnett’s best characters though – nobody matches up to them! He plans road trips, enters skiing competitions, tries to go surfing, and does a great deal more … Most regular readers will be aware that I am a crazy little Paddington fan-girl. No matter how bad things get though, Anne is always ready to put her best foot forward and despite coming out with phrases like “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it,” she seems as though she genuinely believes it. Learn how your comment data is processed. Oh, then I guess I won't worry after all. Titty is optimistic from the very first book in Ransome’s series, she knows she saw the burglars bury Captain Flint’s chest, despite the doubts of the others, and finds it. (This is also your monthly reminder that the Queensberry Rules were named after an utter psychopath who didn’t fight fair in any area of his life. And because he is always so happy, so eager to please and so willing to help out and join in – things do generally turn out for the best. Do you think some of us are preconditioned to be optimistic or pessimistic? Discover the traits of optimistic people that you should consider adopting. However, Jane Bennet is an optimist and she likes to think the best of all she loves. Biblical optimism is the result of faith in the character of God. Again, there’s a really good lesson in here about attitude. She feels her heartbreak no less keenly for the fact that she keeps her dignity. optimistic books. The good character traits which are liked and admired by our fellow humans are called positive character traits. Optimistic people have a desire to brighten and improve and they’re eager to share the good in life with others — be the person who guides a friend through a rough patch, who writes that book, who creates a work of art…foster positivity by becoming a beacon of light in the world. Please confirm you agree to our privacy policy and accept the use of cookies - More Information Accept. Candide, ou l'Optimisme (/ k ɒ n ˈ d iː d / kon-DEED, French: ()) is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. Dec 14, 2016 - Explore Abbey Colucci's board "Optimism Picture Books" on Pinterest. She may not feature in any books but Lesley Knope is just amazing – in this age of cynicism and where idealism feels like a long-gone dream, it’s nice to believe that there are public servants out there like Lesley Knope who truly believe that a good heart and hard work are all that it will take to get them to the White House. With the tragic death of Sir Terry, we now never will. On the other hand, optimistic people are totally opposite. But you'll have to give it back when the 90s are over. As a toddler, I used to pretend to be him, that the peanut butter on my toast was secretly marmalade but even as an adult, I feel that he is a pretty great role model. Instead, make the naïve character the one who must be responsible for someone else. I love strong female characters because they mirror the girls and women in my own life. Most of the claims are reasonable, even if they do make it all seem a bit too easy. Megan Follows’ Anne is more optimistic, sunny, and romantic in the traditional sense. Honestly, some people don't know how to show their life who's boss. You Can Find Uranium. Kim Stanley Robinson is who I think of first for positivity and decent characters. PS – yes – Marquess of Q was a total whack job – so good to find someone else who agrees! All of this should mean that Fortherington-Thomas is having a miserable time at St Custards’ but it never seems like that. Finally, there is the optimistic ending in which the character actually takes the step, and the reader sees the … This sample, along with the rest of the character trait entries, has been expanded into book … GOOD NEWS! Whether you’re feeling optimistic or pessimistic about the future is up to you, but I do believe you should be fully informed about all the options we face. Cedric’s blind faith in the positive side of human nature is rewarded, as the habits of his grandfather’s lifetime are somehow spun on their head and he becomes a lovely man. Novels for adults have to give it back when the 90s are over the texture of Western culture told what... Good reason to turn pessimism into optimism ; things just aren ’ t believe you ’ re so on..., the optimistic characters in books Year Old Man who Climbed out a Window and Disappeared good amount of dialogue, but Kanga. Us are preconditioned to be optimistic is possible, but not so much as to make the reader bombarded! 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