
praising god in the storm sermon

Verses 1-10 document his reaction to the storm. Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the. So this morning lets open our Bibles to 2 Chronicles chapter 20, and lets consider the plight of the Judah and their King during an impossible storm. Check out Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare or The Thankfulness Experiment for more information on the daily practice of giving thanks. It worries us, it worries us a great deal. In fact, God simply reminded him of the promise he had already made. I met him at 23 years and now im 37 years old. The earth trembled and shook. We are not alone!!! He prayed, he inquired and sought after the Lord. Can yo do that today. Asaph, the author of Psalm 77, cries out to God. Follow Asaph’s example. Judah is only two tribes, Judah and Benjamin. Don't get so focused on the storm that you lose sight of Jesus. Did you not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? It’s the story of Kellie Haddock. Tomorrow go down against them. But, we have the promise of God always being there for each one of us. Believe in the, your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.”, And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the. Do not doubt and do not depend upon anything else. Well, Jehoshaphat hasn’t always walked in the ways of the Lord. for Jehoshaphat, his actions had consequences… and here we get to see how He responded to those consequences. The nation came and they stood before the Lord, everyone, men and women, boys and girls came and stood before the Lord. Therefore we will not fear…” Psalm 46:1-2 - Thank you Lord for your Word that says you give us the power to come out of this trial “as gold.” Thank you that this storm will not last forever, but we’re only passing through. 17 The clouds poured down rain; the thunder rumbled in the sky. 19 Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters— a pathway no one knew was there! In the midst of the storm, we become convinced: I need a new promise. The Lord our God is in control and knows our steps, our design and how to give each of us peace, in our dark days. Have his promises permanently failed? “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. RSS this blog Archives Contributors. , the God of Israel, with a very loud voice. Big difference. So let me share a few thoughts with you today about being able to praise the Lord, even in the storms of life. In His fear, Jehoshaphat turned to the Lord. 15 By your strong arm, you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. And when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Watch Queue Queue. sermon text: 1 thess. Where is God in the midst of the storm? Will you run into the presence of your Heavenly Father when a storm rises up? When Paul needed reassurance that God was going to deliver him, God didn’t tell him how. These questions were submitted when my pastor invited our congregation to write down questions they would ask Jesus, after he answered the question “What would Jesus say to me?” on Easter Sunday. Several questions were answered during a recent sermon, however, there were more questions than time. Lets look back at our text to help us better understand.... Then Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the, And the Levites, of the Kohathites and the Korahites, stood up to praise the. 7 Has the Lord rejected me forever? He was desperately seeking the Lord and his wisdom during this storm of life. It is one thing to say the words, but it is so much more when we learn to live a life of praise toward God and others. Tomorrow go out against them, and the. He has strayed at times in his life and actions in front of the Lord. In fact the Bible tells us to not be afraid 365 times, and twice in this passage. He is God. So in fear, the instinct is to flee, to get away from the situation that is dangerous, it happens to preserve self. Trials and things that are unbearable. We are never meant to live in fear, to be so possessed by it that it harms us instead of helping us. again, i would like to welcome all you who are joining us for the first time today in our sunday service celebration. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works. How wonderful ti was to see God’s people turning to him in praise and worship, they believed and Lord was with them . So they laid aside themselves, their needs for the day and fasted and prayed. Heather Snider, her husband Chris, and their two children live in Kentucky. Your arrows of lightning flashed. God purchased you with the blood of His Son, and He isn’t about to abandon you. You go to the one who winds and waves obey, his name is Jesus. Today’s guest post comes from our women’s ministry director, Heather Snider. Fasting, is the laying aside of something, like a meal and using that time for prayer, for devotion to the Lord our God. Read Psalm 139 and meditate on how you are never out of God’s sight. Everyday as we arise, we need to say.. Lord lead the way! We also know our actions bring consequences… good and bad. It says Jehoshaphat “....helped the wicked and loved those who hated the Lord..”, What are we reminded… There is always consequences for our actions…. We all experience storms in our lives. Praising God In the Storm. No matter what our eyes are upon you. 5 I think of the good old days, long since ended, 6 when my nights were filled with joyful songs. God will save us in the midst of our storms. He uses storms of life to test us to help us get closer to Him. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”. Now we know that life brings a variety of events… Not everyday can be sunshine, rainbows and sparkles… we wish that every day was that good. And when the storm hits, you can recall all God has done by reading through your thankful list. Hallo Derrick, I thank God i came across this blog. So, how can you be thankful IN all circumstances… how can you praise God in the storm… so your mind doesn’t become dark and confused? Follow other answers to these questions here.]. Oh, that God would listen to me! 11 He loads … And Jehoshaphat called upon the inhabitants of Judah and also of the nothern 10 tribes…to do two things. Asaph praises God in the midst of his storm. Rain pitter-pattered against the windows. 3. The storm no longer rattled him while he was nestled between his parents. Reflect on God’s unfailing love and faithfulness in your previous circumstances. So as a community of people, it was their duty, their devotion to gather as one and seek the Lord’s help and guidance in a difficult time. Praise God Through The Storm (Play “Praise You In The Strom-Casting Crowns” before sermon) Every Christian will face a storm at one point or another in their life. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. When storms hit us, we get to choose… to trust God or doubt God. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches how praising God in the midst of pain is about learning to trust the Lord, who is our strength and shield. Scriptures below from the church bulletin used in the Sermon: (coming soon) Keywords: (coming soon also) Daily Discipleship Weekend Podcast. Jehoshaphat asks, he makes His plea to the Lord to help. Change ). You cannot be divided in this thought... Jehoshaphat did, He trusted the Lord. , God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? That should give you great encouragement in the storm. ... Second Part of the Sermon … But starting in verse 11, the tone changes. Matthew 14:22-33 When The Storms Come. ( Log Out /  Jehoshaphat is afraid because three kingdoms are approaching to capture and take hold of them. Will he never again be kind to me? As fierce as Dorian was, there is a far more serious and ominous storm looming. , and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. I am too distressed even to pray! Now look at this… as Jehoshaphat stood and prayed, verse 13 says ... , with their little ones, their wives, and their children. Lets being by looking at the first 4 verses.... After this the Moabites and Ammonites, and with them some of the Meunites, came against Jehoshaphat for battle. For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. It was their role to join together as a nation and pray as one, calling up in the name of the Lord in their of need. In fact, I believe we are called on, as followers of Christ, to worship the God of the storm and to see that God is to be glorified as the God who is at work in the midst of these events. I search my soul and ponder the difference now. Honestly share your feelings and emotions with God. And if you look at chapter 19, verse 1-3 we see the charges the Lord has brought against Him. To have hope in God is to wait expectantly for him. 8:28") II. I want you to see three things the Lord reminded them of.... B. A storm blew over my house last night. He says “We do not know what do to, but our eyes are on you.” verse 12b. Intro Talk about what is happening in the beginning of chapter 8 Probably for the sake of privacy and relaxation, Jesus proposed a trip across the lake of Galilee. My mom and brother Ray who also went home to be with the Lord 6 years after Mom It was August 9, 2006, my 34th Birthday, when my husband and kids arrived at my Mom and Dad's house. 3 I think of God, and I moan, overwhelmed with longing for his help. Will he return to the Lord and follow Him… or not? In every detail of your life, do you trust Him? 1. The king was furious and threw his friend in gaol. This gives us at least a vision of ourselves rejoicing in the future. Norita Williams We all go through things in this life. Lighting lit up the sky. IV. Will you find shelter under the shadow of God’s wings, much like my son found shelter between his mommy and daddy, while the storm is raging? Praising God in the Storm has to be one of the hardest things to do yet it's one of the greatest gifts God has given to us his children. And in the midst of all this, I would remind you that His ways are prefect and I can praise Him all the more! 1 Thessalonians 5:18 encourages us to praise God in the storm too: be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Is there any god as mighty as you? We choose ourselves whether or not to worship God. There is a third and final reason for praising God in the storm. He prays.. and calls upon the Lord to come and save them from their enemies. But usually people turn to the Lord last. Why? I was praising God not only despite but because of them, but then as the day went on yesterday and a "mini-ice storm" was going on, my spirit lost its focus. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz. It challenged them to the very core. Romans 1:21 helps us understand why it’s important to give thanks in all circumstances:  Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. We must learn to praise God through all storms of life. V. 25-31 STORMS ARE GOD'S MEANS OF TESTING Please understand I am not condemning Him or anyone when circumstances cause us to be afraid. 5: 16-18; james 1: 2-4 introduction: good morning to all! 9 Has God forgotten to be gracious? But from that, going forward each day we do not live and do about our days peaking around every corner because we think a bear is there waiting to pounce. That is a unhealthy fear. Just like these disciples, many times we find ourselves in the midst of storms, problems, and difficulties in our lives. How can we do it. Now lets go back to the text for a minute... And Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the. Has he slammed the door on his compassion? O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? 13 O God, your ways are holy. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. Some answers were not addressed from the stage and will be covered here as a supplement. There has to be some bad days as well…this is part of our life in a fallen world. When I think of belief and the error of doubt, I think of Peter as he walked upon the water, with His eyes upon Jesus and his hope set in Him. (Ill. What I am trying to tell you is this: "Do not fear the storms of Life! Storms will come… Jesus said so Himself in John 16:33:  I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. God Will Keep His Promise. He wanted to hear from God. Since he is faithful to help, we can know that we will praise him again. Praising God through the storms not only blesses God, but will bless those around you who witness such faithfulness. When we give up for Him, When we sacrifice the flesh, He is honored and gloried my friends. Storms can steadily approach, or hit unexpectedly. The Scriptures literally say “he set his face to seek the Lord” verse 3. Thunder shook the walls. Principle 4. Today we are going to talk about praising God and not specifically in prayer. There are some great things in the word of God… I love that phrase, “...set his face to seek the Lord...”for it means to turned to the Lord fully, He was not divided by any other opinions. If you really want to get God’s attention, start giving Him praise and thanksgiving in advance for the break through in the midst of a storm and see what will take place. This allows him to focus on God his Savior, the One who will bring deliverance and victory. And Aspah lists God’s mighty works from the past:  His awesome power among the nations (v. 14), redeeming His people with His strong arm (v. 15), and God parting the Red Sea (vs. 16-20). He crawled into bed, safely snuggled between my husband and me, and went right to sleep. You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. No matter what storm we’re facing, we can cling to Psalm 34:18 : The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.” 21 And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the Lord and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say, “Give thanks to the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever.” 22 And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the … He was doing the impossible to us… but not to God. I have been having an issue with the father of my 7 year son. That is not a suggestion, it is rather a command! 20 You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds. There is a great question here my friends that begs to be asked… When the storm comes, what or who do you turn too? God used Paul's storm, a thorn in the flesh, to show up in and on Paul's life.) Did you notice how he honestly presents his thoughts, feelings and emotions to God? thank you for joining us in our worship service today! He will deliver you. The storm induced fear in my son, who sleepily wandered into my room, whimpering. Daily Discipleship, Day 9: Song of Solomon 4-8, Daily Discipleship, Day 8: Song of Solomon 1-3, This post is meaningless! The Lord must be first my friends, in every area of life. They have been designed by the Lord as a means of bringing Him closer to you. Praise Him for His faithfulness in the past, Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns, Follow That Preacher Guy on, I want you to want me. Today, focus your thoughts and prayers on praising God. You can depend upon the Lord and the promises He extends to His children. But here is a question for you today - Are you still Praising God, even in the midst of the storm. Are on you. ” verse 3 rejoicing in the storm, a thorn in the.. 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