
washoe county school district coronavirus

Copyright © 2002-var currYear = new Date();document.write(currYear.getFullYear()); Schoolwires, Inc. Families will have the option to keep their students at home and utilize distance learning through their zoned school. Las familias tendrán la opción de mantener a sus estudiantes en casa y utilizar el aprendizaje a distancia por medio de sus escuelas. This model allows schools to maintain physical distancing. The Washoe County School District says it is in a good position to move forward with keeping school buildings open ahead of the planned return to classrooms on a … The world of technology changes rapidly, so we would like to share some updated guidance regarding video meetings with students. None of these materials or options have been approved by the Board yet. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is providing a COVID-19 vaccine update in Washoe County to help educate residents on the mass vaccination effort by the COVID-19 Response Team and community partners. The school and health districts are both accountable to their own boards, not the county. All information regarding reopening plans will be posted here. Se mantendrá el distanciamiento físico. The Washoe County Health District vaccinated about 1,200 people on Saturday at the Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, from tiers one and two of the health district… El grupo, compuesto por funcionarios de salud estatales, superintendentes de distritos, líderes de escuelas autónomas, el Departamento de Educación del estado y otros expertos, trabajarán para producir un marco procesable basado en la guía más reciente de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades y funcionarios de salud estatales. View the list of Food Bank of Northern Nevada Kids Café Spring Break Meal Service locations and times. Elementary School: Students at District elementary schools will attend Monday through Friday in person. These models allow for fluidity and change as needed. For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Ad Choices. Regardless of model, a multi-layered approach will be utilized to keep buildings clean and people healthy. COVID-19 Vaccine Update in Washoe County - January 12. Washoe County Kids Cafe Food Service - Times and locations for kids food service. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is providing a COVID-19 vaccine update in Washoe County to help educate residents on the mass vaccination effort by the COVID-19 Response Team.Here’s a breakdown of the numbers from the Washoe County Health District: COVID-19 Vaccines Received in Washoe County total: 22,760 The Washoe County School District is monitoring the health of our students … Escuelas Primarias:  Los estudiantes en las escuelas primarias del Distrito asistirán de lunes a viernes en persona. Este modelo permite a las escuelas mantener la distancia física. Distance learning to continue for the remainder of the school year (4/21/2020), Distance learning message from Interim Superintendent Dr. Kristen McNeill. Physical distancing will be maintained. We greatly appreciate and encourage all your efforts to communicate with students, including through technology. The plan being presented to the state and approved by the Board of Trustees is to transport at 50% occupancy or greater and that all riders, including the bus driver, must wear face coverings. We have compiled a list of COVID-19 cases reported schools at Washoe County School District schools so far. Washoe County COVID-19 Impact Dashboard. First shipment of COVID-19 vaccine received by Washoe County Health District. All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings unless they have a medical exception. School Decision-Making Tool for Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians, Cleaning And Disinfecting Your Facility CDC, Mask Understanding the Difference Infographic, Washoe County Library System Introduces New Instant Digital Library Card, Declaration of Emergency Directive re Schools.3-15-20, NDE COVID-19 and Students with Disabilities, Nevada Department of Education FAQ 3/18/2020, Letter to District and School Leaders Jhone M. Ebert Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction 3/18/2020, Nevada Department of Education (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions for Districts & Schools, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, School Nurse and Administrator Resources for 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health Information, Get Your Household Ready for Pandemic Flu, Advice for Schools from the Centers for Disease Control, Coronavirus: What WCSD Families Need to Know, Coronavirus: lo que las familias del WCSD necesitan saber, Enfermedad del Coronavirus (COVID-19) información del CDC, Cómo hablar con los niños sobre el coronavirus, Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus, State of Nevada’s Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Taking care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty. The Washoe County Health District reported 30 new COVID-19 cases, along with two more deaths from the virus. This includes enhanced and frequent disinfecting of surfaces, the flushing of fresh air through the HVAC systems, scheduled and supervised handwashing with soap and water, and the availability of hand sanitizer and disinfectant in every classroom. Todos los estudiantes y personal tendrán que usar cubre boca o mascarilla al menos que exista una excepción médica. Exceptions to the A/B model in middle and high schools will be made for vulnerable populations, including students receiving special education services, children in transition or foster care, students participating in the English Learning program, and students in gifted and talented education. Copyright © 2002-var currYear = new Date();document.write(currYear.getFullYear()); Schoolwires, Inc. Many students rely on busing and the nature of buses makes social distancing very challenging. Reno/Sparks, NV – The Regional Information Center is reporting 10 COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County, a record. JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.15 Age 0-4 Age 5-10 Age11-18 Si el estado determina medidas más restrictivas son necesarias, los estudiantes podrán tener que hacer aprendizaje a distancia tiempo completo otra vez. There were nine additional deaths on Wednesday. COVID19. The same care and concern will be approached as related to bus transportation. A medida que se desarrollen los planes de reapertura, se compartirán con nuestras familias y la comunidad. Your device's rotation lock must be off. County Commissioners Kitty Jung and Vaughn Hartung both commented how they constantly receive complaints about the Washoe County School District and Health District, respectively. Este modelo permite a las escuelas mantener la distancia física. Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. El grupo abordará las consideraciones físicas, mentales, sociales y emocionales para reabrir y coordinar con distritos y escuelas durante esta crisis actual. COVID-19. As reopening plans are developed, they will be shared with our families and the community. Las familias tendrán la opción de mantener a sus estudiantes en casa y utilizar el aprendizaje a distancia por medio de sus escuelas. Each plan allows for physical distancing in buildings as recommended by the Governor. Detalles más específicos del plan serán publicados cuando estén disponibles. ****Washoe County Health Division (WCHD) Exclusions are directed only for individuals who have had close contact with another individual with a confirmed COVID diagnosis. The Task Force is currently weighing all options for a safe return to school in the fall. Esto incluye un mejora y aumento de frecuencia para desinfectar superficies, la descarga de aire fresco mediante los sistemas de climatización, el lavado de manos con agua y jabón supervisado y en horario, y la disponibilidad de desinfectante de manos y desinfectante en cada salón. Escuela Intermedia Middle School: Los estudiantes en las escuelas intermedias del Distrito asistirán con un modelo híbrido donde estarán en el edificio 2 o 3 días a la semana y aprenderán desde casa el resto de los días de la semana. If the state deems that more restrictive measures are necessary, students may need to have full-time distance learning again. All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings unless they have a medical exception. Additionally, WCSD’s Superintendent Dr. Kristen McNeill and other staff members sit on the Statewide Re-opening of Schools Committee. (4/14/2020), Home Office of Communications and Community Engagement. All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings unless they have a medical exception. Reno, NV, USA, January 13, 2021. COVID-19 vaccines update in Washoe County – Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021. If you overhear hurtful or misinformed comments, please speak up. The district reported a total of 483 deaths from COVID-19 in Washoe County as of Wednesday. We are collaborating with WCSD Student Health Services, Washoe County Health District, State of Nevada, and federal health officials to determine the best course of action to protect our students and staff members. To inform Nevadans statewide, the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Governor's Office have created this website to better share information and resources as it pertains to the current status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact within the state of Nevada. High School: Students at District high schools will attend a hybrid model where they are in the building 2 or 3 days a week and learning from home the remaining days each week. Todos los estudiantes y personal tendrán que usar cubre boca o mascarilla al menos que exista una excepción médica. Los directores escolares trabajaran con las familias que tienen hermanos para mantenerlos en el mismo horario si es lo que la familia desea. The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees and District Leadership share our community’s concerns about the novel coronavirus. JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.15. Dec. 2, 2020. Estos modelos permiten por variabilidad y cambio como sea necesario. As our community responds to COVID-19, please remember that transmission of the coronavirus is not based on a person's race or country of origin. Learn more about Nevada Reopening of Schools Committee. Los planes para estas opciones – distanciamiento total, híbrido, y en persona – serán presentados al estado y utilizados como sea necesario. The Washoe County Health District is administering COVID-19 vaccines to educators in Tier 2 on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021, per the State’s COVID-19 Vaccine Playbook.. The Washoe County School District has faced an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, asking parents to be vigilant to help prevent the spread. This page only displays in portrait mode. Principals will work with families who have siblings to keep them on the same schedule if that is the families’ wish. With an additional 168 new cases reported yesterday, the total number of cases the county has seen climbed to 38,730. All Rights Reserved. Middle School: Students at District middle schools will attend a hybrid model where they are in the building 2 or 3 days a week and learning from home the remaining days each week. The framework will address the physical, mental, social, and emotional considerations to reopen and manage districts and schools during this ongoing crisis. These exclusions are a critical cautionary measure to minimize the potential spread of the virus. On Tuesday, the county reported a daily total of 14 deaths from COVID-19. Para más información acerca del Comité de Reapertura de Escuelas vea aquí: Learn more about Nevada Reopening of Schools Committee. Los siguientes planes para la reapertura serán presentados al Departamento de Educación de Nevada. The group, consisting of state health officials, district superintendents, charter school leaders, the state’s Department of Education, and other experts, will work to produce an actionable framework based on the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and State health officials. Muchos estudiantes dependen en la transportación y la forma de los autobuses hace el distanciamiento social muy difícil. The following reopening plans have be submitted to the Nevada Department of Education. That number is … Materials are now available on our website. Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. They have been approved by the Board of Trustees and the state. Queremos trabajar juntos para que la transición a la recuperación sea la más fluida posible. Se espera que las familias hagan una autoevaluación en casa y si los estudiantes se sienten enfermos, no deberán asistir a la escuela. Of those, seven were students and four were staff. Clark County School District Food Service - CCSD will still be serving breakfast and lunch for school children. Dec. 15, 2020. Sin importar el modelo, se utilizará un método de niveles múltiples para mantener a los edificios limpios y las personas saludables. Lea nuestra pagina con preguntas frecuentes para preguntas especificas sobre estos planes. CLICK HERE for Washoe County Health District COVID-19 Info Page. Plans for all of these options – full distance, hybrid, and full in-person – will be submitted to the state and utilized as necessary. This model allows schools to maintain physical distancing. The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees and District Leadership share our community’s concerns about the novel coronavirus. In developing the plans, student and staff safety is of utmost importance. The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees and District Leadership share our community’s concerns about the novel coronavirus. Notice of Non-Discrimination/Web-Accessibility. Cada plan permite la distancia física dentro de los edificios como es recomendado por el Gobernador. View Frequently Asked Questions and Answers. The seven-day-moving average of new cases per day is down to 218, from 326 last week. The Washoe County School District said students won't be held back if they are sick despite a tougher attendance policy started this school year. The Washoe County School District sent a districtwide note to parents Friday morning after announcing Huffaker Elementary School wold be shut down because of a possible link to the coronavirus. More specific details of the plan will be posted when they are available. Families will be expected to self-screen at home and if students are feeling sick, they should not come to school. Community Education for Adults and Children, Apoyo de tecnología para las familias de escuela intermedia, Apoyo de tecnología para las familias de escuela primaria, Apoyo de tecnología para las familias de escuela secundaria, Educational Options and Academic Opportunities, Native American Culture and Education Program, Technology Learning Supports - Elementary School, Technology Learning Supports - High School, Technology Learning Supports - Middle School, Office of Communications and Community Engagement, Office of Strategies and Ombudsman Services, Board Policy and Regulations for Public Review, WCSD Self-Screen for COVID19 12-29-2020.pdf, Outbreak_D_Screening to Exclusion_Flowchart_12 29 2020.pdf, Employee Algorithm for COVID Symptoms and Testing, WCSD Employee Algorithm for COVID Symptoms Testing_12 29 2020.pdf, Herramienta de AutoevaluaciónDiaria de COVID-19 Paraestudiantes y empleados del Distrito, WCSD_Self-Screen_for_COVID19_08-31-2020 SP.pdf, Update to Board of Trustees on lessons learned 10.13.20, Update to Board of Trustees on COVID surveillance measures10.13.20, Attachment A Reopening Update Presentation.pdf, Calendar revision approved by NDE 7.14.20, Reopening Plans submitted to the Nevada Department of Education, Board of Trustees Covid Update 6.23.20.pdf, Executive Summary: Evidence and Guidance for In-Person Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic, PolicyLab-Executive-Summary-Evidence-Guidance-In-Person-Schooling-During-COVID-19.pdf, Evidence and Guidance for In-Person Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic, PolicyLab-Policy-Review-Evidence-Guidance-In-person-Schooling-During-COVID-19.pdf, COVID-19-Safe-Gatherings-Guidance-NVHealthResponse.pdf, Nevada-Guidance-for-Adult-Youth-Sports.pdf, Humo y COVID19 Preguntas Frequentes (USDA), Addressing Bias, Discrimination, & Racism, Behavioral Support - Apoyos de comportamiento, Emergency Services - Servicios de emergencia, Military Family Support Services - Servicios militares de apoyo familiar, Social & Emotional Learning and Mental Health - Aprendizaje social y emocional y salud mental, Talking to Your Kids About Coronavirus - Hablando con sus hijos sobre el Corona Virus, Additional Community Resources - Recursos comunitarios adicionales, Plan de Respuesta a los Brotes Escolares - WCHD WCSD, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 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